Suwałki Isthmus. “Lukashenko sent a signal to Poland”

Last week, Alexander Lukashenko visited a military training ground in the Grodno region, near the border with Lithuania, where one of the tank battalions is stationed. The leader of Belarus had a conversation there with one of the commanders. They talked about the hypothetical capture of the Suwałki corridor.

Did Lukashenko want to arouse fear? Expert: It was a signal for the Baltic states, Poland and the West

– A comprehensive combat readiness test has been underway in Belarus since March 11. Alexander Lukashenko used the opportunity to go to the border with Lithuania to “inspect a tank battalion” and send several messages to his neighbors from the Baltic states and Poland, said Anna Dyner in an interview with PAP.

According to the analyst, Lukashenko’s raising of the topic of the Suwałki Isthmus was not accidental. – This is a key area for the land defense of the Baltic states in the event of a potential conflict between Russia and NATO. Lukashenko knows that this is a topic that will trigger a reaction from public opinion in the West and arouse fear. And I think this is the main reason why this topic was raised, she said.

According to the expert, Lukashenko’s visit was a signal to the Baltic states, Poland and the West that Belarus has the ability to defend itself in this direction. – This may also be a signal to Russia that Belarus is holding the “western flank,” Dyner believes, adding that “the Belarusians could be practicing cover for some larger Russian operation, which could potentially be a source of concern.”

Lukashenko’s conversation with the Belarusian commander about the Suwałki Isthmus

– We should know exactly what they want. How long do they keep talking about this Suwałki corridor? How many kilometers is it to Russia, to the Kaliningrad Oblast, from our borders? – asked the Belarusian dictator.

The commander explained that it was 42 kilometers in a straight line and about 90 kilometers along the border.

The military assured Lukashenko that all actions were planned. – Combat readiness issues are being worked out. Military personnel are constantly being prepared. The orders are being implemented, he added.

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