Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas

Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas
  • Conservationists and brands with social responsibility promote the reuse of clothing pieces and recycling raw materials from the textile industry to contribute to the preservation of the environment in the capital | Photo: Panots

Beyond being ecologically conscious, the trend towards an industry of sustainable fashion in Caracas tries to develop responsible consumption habits when purchasing pieces of clothing, footwear or accessories, having as a priority the progressive reduction of the volume of waste from clothing discarded from closets.

For example, growing cotton and making flannel requires 2,700 liters of fresh water, equivalent to the amount of water a person drinks in two years, according to a report published on the European Parliament website.

Likewise, the percentage of used clothing that is recycled to generate new clothes – in Europe – is 1%, while 87% of discarded wardrobe items are not reused and end up incinerated or in garbage landfills, highlights a document prepared by the European Chamber.

Reduce consumption of “fast fashion”

“We must change the current approach to fashion, based on using and discarding. Venezuela is a country that still has little awareness about issues such as recycling and environmental care, especially when the problem comes from the closet and the business of personal image,” highlights Rina Díaz, human rights activist and leader of projects related to recyclable fashion, in an interview for The Diary.

Since 2023, Díaz, a Venezuelan lawyer dedicated to causes such as reducing gender inequality and labor exploitation, has been involved in local initiatives that are focused on sustainable fashion.

He comments that he seeks to implement a circular economy concept, which promotes objectives such as sharing, repairing and reusing clothing from fashion brands to give “new life” to used clothing in an attempt to reduce the consumption of so-called fast fashion.

Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas

We must raise awareness that the clothes we wear may be manufactured by large international companies that make irrational use of water and even exploit workers, which in extreme cases can reach modern slavery. However, it is not about rejecting fashion, but rather a change in consumption paradigms, assuming individual responsibility for what we buy and the use we give it,” explains Díaz.

She emphasizes that fashion is one of the most polluting industries and that is why it must lead to a sustainable model, more respectful of natural resources.

Recycle raw materials to produce clothing

Make straps and wallets using hoses discarded by firefighters as the main material; make card holders with canvas from disused banners and billboards; selling backpacks made from old cargo covers, and developing sunglasses made from recycled plastics are some of the products offered by the Caracas brand Taller Neo, specialized in transforming waste into accessories with value.

Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas

“Most people know about our initiative because we went viral and they attacked us for transforming an old soccer jersey into a bucket hat that we offered to soccer player Juan Arango,” he comments for The Diary Gabriel Santana, a young graduate of the Metropolitan University, who since 2022 has been promoting ventures that involve recycling.

Santana’s initiatives include hats made from soccer jerseys that, when they deteriorate, are generally discarded. In this way, pieces of clothing that are among the most consumed by lovers of that sport are given a new use.

At the same time, Taller Neo is working on a new shoe project made with recycled uniform fabric, through a manufacturing workshop located in the popular area of ​​José Félix Rivas, in the Petare parish, Caracas.

For Santana, in addition to making eye-catching pieces, the challenge of his proposal is to achieve a balance between what is sustainable and what is profitable.

It highlights that clothing items made from recycled materials tend to be expensive internationally; which hinders the ability to compete on prices with the Chinese textile industry.

However, it highlights that they seek to make their products affordable for the Venezuelan pocket, with cheaper prices than those offered by brands with similar projects being developed in Colombia, Argentina or England.

Renew your wardrobe and reuse your shoes

Since 2023, the Panots footwear brand has been promoting an annual campaign in Caracas that seeks to give new life to disused shoes.

Through its initiative called Renueva, this urban fashion company collects used footwear through exchange centers installed in its network of stores.

Subsequently, the collected shoes undergo an evaluation: those that are in optimal condition are destined for donations, while those that do not meet the quality parameters are sent to recycling, implementing the reuse of raw materials.

Disused shoes collected by Panots

In September 2024, Panots announced its strategy to promote footwear recycling this year, offering a 30% discount on purchases for those who hand in their old shoes from the brand, so that they can be reused.

In this way, an economic benefit is aimed at the buyer, which encourages the practice of recycling footwear, preventing them from ending up in garbage landfills and promoting the values ​​of solidarity and ecological awareness.

Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas

In Venezuela, while we take the first steps in sustainable fashion, the hook of these projects is being able to acquire pieces, generally from well-known brands, at a lower price,” says Rina Díaz.

In addition, it recommends that buyers, in the case of footwear, lean towards brands that offer durability, quality and versatility of use; in addition to opting for neutral colors, waterproof materials and timeless designs, making these shoes basic pieces for a “smart wardrobe”; a concept that seeks to obtain a variety of combinations, while reducing the number of pieces in the closet.

Sustainable fashion initiatives that seek to prosper in Caracas

Raising awareness about consumer habits, reducing purchases of fashion-driven products, implementing the reuse of clothing that falls into disuse and avoiding large waste from cleaning the closet are the premises that promote the sustainable fashion initiatives that emerge. in Caracas.

All these small contributions seek to move the Venezuelan capital towards the culture of textile recycling.

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2024-09-29 20:47:26



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