Suspicious Envelope Incidents in Namur: Updates and Investigations

2023-11-22 14:48:00

This Wednesday, a suspicious envelope was received at the office of Minister of the Environment Céline Tellier (Ecolo). When it was opened, the services discovered white powder inside. As is the procedure in such circumstances, the police were called to the scene, as was Civil Protection.

During the morning, access to the office located on rue d’Harscamp, in Jambes, was sealed off and staff isolated. After analysis, it turns out that the powder contained in the flooring was non-dangerous, indicates the Namur public prosecutor’s office. Following these reassuring results, activities were able to resume within the firm and the security perimeter was lifted. However, additional analyzes will have to be carried out to determine the exact nature of this powder. The investigation was entrusted to the Namur police services.

As a reminder, last Tuesday, another suspicious envelope was received by the police at the police station located at Place du Théâtre. Here once more the anthrax procedure had been put in place. Analyzes carried out by Civil Protection also came back negative.

Is there a link between the two events? At this stage, the investigation is in its early stages, there is nothing to confirm this, concludes the prosecution.

#suspicious #envelope #received #Minister #Telliers #office #Namur



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