Suspicions Surrounding Presidential Advisers’ Conduct

2024-07-25 03:01:00

Presidential adviser Santiago Caputo has found himself in trouble, exposing his vocation to operate covertly in the public sphere, an approach that belies the lofty position he occupies.

In Argentinian politics, the protagonists of a government that behaves in this way are called “black monks.” Their main characteristics are that they have a lot of power, loyalty to the leader is a fundamental value, and they are responsible for most of the “dirty work.” For these reasons, they end up being very intimidating characters.

Caputo is a member of the President’s Small Table along with Karina Milley. There is nothing wrong with this membership. Every presidential administration organizes its own coterie, and this one is no exception. Of course, expanding the table to include people trained to point out the president’s mistakes is always desirable.

The problem with Caputo is that he doesn’t appear in the public sphere, but operates in secret. This dynamic creates a dangerous situation that both society and President Javier Milley himself should reflect on.

The topic has garnered news coverage and commentary on television and radio across social networks. Caputo, who prefers not to speak to the media, has never denied that the account is his, but he has never confirmed it.

Well, the account was shut down by the social network itself because of a series of messages that not only threatened several journalists and political leaders, but also promoted the carrying of weapons, including a video showing an arsenal.

By the way, this isn’t the first time X has closed Caputo’s account. This has happened to the so-called “terrible children” (Nicolas Brandeis), who wrote that the changes demanded by “the system” were not possible if the “system’s rules” were respected. Coincidentally, that’s when the account that had just been closed this week started operating.

In the exchange of information that led to the account’s closure, former Deputy Alejandro Rodriguez pledged that he had “all evidence” that the account originated from Caputo. Reactions to Rodriguez and several social communicators’ accounts included fairly explicit threats.

But as serious as the threats against politicians and journalists by the president’s advisers may be, there’s a more troubling message: “Yes. The account used weapons. Yes, we demand unrestricted party discipline. Yes, we We are not ashamed to say that this kind of democracy has failed.

Among other areas of direct influence, Caputo oversees the Secretariat of National Intelligence (SIDE), which has now increased its budget by $100 billion for “set-aside expenses.”

If the amounts in the process of adjusting public accounts are themselves questionable, it is astonishing that the organization is in charge of a consultant who clearly promotes violations of the legal framework and other norms governing our democratic institutions and the Republican Party.

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