Suspension of an abortion pill in the United States: the right to abortion increasingly threatened

This suspension is a setback for women’s rights and abortion, which is very important. Indeed, this abortion pill, which was authorized in the United States for twenty years, is used in 53% of medical abortion cases. This decision therefore represents a major threat to access to abortion in the country. Moreover, this decision comes complement the Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision that removed the federal right to abortion. Since this first legislative step back, each state made its own decisions with regard to abortion, with increasingly stringent prohibitions and restrictions, in particular a limit posed at six weeks in half of the states. This decision therefore worsens the situation for women seeking an abortion. This decision to ban the abortion pill does not necessarily concern the whole of the United States, since it is a texas federal judge who made this decision. Although it applies to the entire territory, it was suspended for five days to allow an appeal. Moreover, federal judges in different states have made conflicting decisions about this suspension. This legal and judicial confusion shows how complex and important this issue is (source 1).

In this context, Joe Biden finds himself in a complicated political situation, because the Republicans have their hands on the Housewhich makes it difficult toobtaining a federal law that would homogenize the situation. For now, the best he can do is have recourse to the Supreme Court to obtain a decision which reverses that of this Texas judge and to use these decisions on a political level. However, the Supreme Court is currently dominated by conservative justices who have already decided to remove the federal right to abortion. It therefore remains to be seen whether the Supreme Court will be able to go against this decision to ban the abortion pill. This issue of abortion is extremely important in the United States and is likely to become a major issue in the 2024 presidential campaign.

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