Survivors of Tragic ‘Titan’ Submersible Incident Express Deep Sorrow

2023-06-24 10:05:00

Survivors of dead “Titan” occupants express “deep sorrow”

The deceased occupants of the submarine


06/24/2023, 12:05 p.m. 3 min.

The Titan submersible killed five people. The families of the victims thank the numerous helpers and express their grief.

Relatives of the occupants of the shattered submersible Titan have expressed their deep sorrow after the wreckage of the Titanic was found. The parents of Shahzada Dawood, who was on board the Titan with his son Suleman, also expressed their “heartfelt condolences” to the other families on Friday. Meanwhile, more and more criticism of the operating company.

“It is with deep sadness that we announce the deaths of Shahzada and Suleman Dawood,” said the Dawood Foundation in Pakistan. 48-year-old Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman were on board the submersible that, according to the US Coast Guard, was destroyed in a “catastrophic implosion” during a dive trip to the wreck of the “Titanic” at a depth of around 3800 meters in the North Atlantic became. After days of feverish searches, the Coast Guard announced the discovery of a “debris field” on Thursday.

“We are very grateful to everyone involved in the rescue operations,” Dawood’s parents wrote in a statement from the foundation of their wealthy family, who is very prominent in Pakistan. “Your tireless commitment was a source of strength for us during this time.”

Sinking of the “Titan” A death in milliseconds: That happens with an implosion

23 hours ago

Shahzada Dawood lived in the UK with his wife Christine, son Suleman and daughter Alina. Also on board the “Titan” were the boss of the operating company OceanGate Expeditions, Stockton Rush, the French “Titanic” expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet and the British entrepreneur and adventurer Hamish Harding.

Harding’s family and his company Action Aviation said they joined in their grief with the other families “who also lost loved ones on the ‘Titan’ submersible.”

“Titan” has been missing since Sunday

The “Titan” left for the wreck of the “Titanic” on Sunday. After almost two hours, contact with the escort ship broke off, and since then there has been no trace of the submersible. On Thursday, the US Coast Guard then announced the discovery of debris. It is the stern of the submersible and the front and rear parts of the pressure chamber. The wreckage lay about 500 meters from the wreck of the “Titanic” on the seabed.

Submersible “Titan” Five people are dead – many questions remain unanswered, especially one: Who is to blame for the tragedy?


Days of feverish search and rescue operations ended with the sad news. When and why the “Titan” imploded is not yet clear, said Rear Admiral John Mauger of the US Coast Guard. He declined to comment on whether the men’s remains will be recovered. In any case, the search operation will be greatly reduced.

Meanwhile, the “Wall Street Journal” reported that the US Navy had already recorded the alleged implosion of the “Titan” on Sunday – shortly after contact with the submersible was lost. The recording was made by a secret acoustic surveillance system for detecting submarines.

According to marine researcher David Mearns, the find of debris indicates that the “Titan” will break up quickly due to the enormous water pressure in the depths of the ocean. The only consolation is that the men’s deaths happened “literally in milliseconds,” said Mearns, who was a friend of two of the inmates, on Sky News.

“Trieste”, “Nautile”, “Alvin”

With these submersibles, the unknown depths of the seas are explored

Oceangate co-founder rejects criticism from James Cameron

One of Oceangate’s co-founders, meanwhile, has dismissed “Titanic” director James Cameron’s criticism of the company’s security measures. “Titan” captain Rush always “placed great importance on safety,” said his ex-business partner Guillermo Söhnlein on Times Radio.

Cameron, who himself has made several dive trips to the wreck of the “Titanic”, had accused OceanGate on the US broadcaster ABC of ignoring warnings about the safety of the “Titan”. He compared the “Titan” accident with the sinking of the “Titanic” in 1912. It was a “terrible irony” that in both cases “warnings were not heeded”.


#Survivors #killed #Titan #inmates #express #deep #sadness

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