Survey of Surveys: they lead in Álvaro Obregón, Azcapotzalco, Benito Juárez and Coyoacán

On March 31, the electoral campaigns will begin in Mexico City for the 16 mayoralties that make it up. Morena and alliesthe opposition and the Citizen Movement (MC) will dispute the demarcations, some of which the cherry party lost in 2021 and that in these elections it might recover.

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In this context, Polls MX launches the Survey of Surveys; It takes a look at the electoral preferences of the capital’s residents in each mayor’s office ahead of the elections on June 2 of this year.

In Alvaro Obregon Lía Limón is in the lead; in Azcapotzalco led by Nancy Núñez, and in Benito Juarez Luis Alberto Mendoza positions himself; while, in Coyoacan, Giovani Guitérrez has the advantage.

Lía Limón leads in Álvaro Obregón

In Álvaro Obregón, the current mayor, Lia Lemon of the PAN, PRI and PRD has the advantage with the 53% of preferences according to Polls MX measurement. The applicantregistered on February 3 to achieve re-election.

He is followed by the federal deputy Javier Lopez Casarin by the Let’s Keep Making History coalition. The Morenista registered 42% in favor of him. In last place is, Esther Mejía Bolaños of the Citizen Movement (MC) with 4% of the preferences.

Morena has the advantage in Azcapotzalco

In the mayor’s office AzcapotzalcoMorena leads the race with a 54% of preferences in favor of the deputy of the capital Congress, Nancy Núñez of Morena-PT-PVEM.

On the part of the PAN-PRI-PRD, it is Margarita Saldaña, who is seeking re-election in the district to govern for another three years. He has the support of 39%. Luisa Yanira Alpízar The orange party has 5% of the preferences.

Benito Juárez, dominated by the opposition

Luis Alberto Mendoza of the PAN-PRI-PRD dominates the polls with 54% in Benito Juarez. They follow him Leticia Varela from Morena-PT-PVEM with 39% and Rodrigo Cordera Thacker of the Citizen Movement with 5%.

Giovanni Gutiérrez at the head in Coyoacán

The current mayor of Coyoacan, Giovani Gutiérrez, leads the preferences for re-election with the opposition alliance with 51%. Hannah de la Madrid, who until 2023 was a member of the PRI, will go for Morena-PT-PVEM and gets 43%.

Politico MX recommends: CDMX 2024 Elections: They would be the candidates of the PAN, PRI and PRD for the 16 mayoralties

Last in line is Sofia Provencio of MC, with 5% of the preferences in the Survey of Surveys.

Polls MX Methodology: The survey aggregation model we use is a dynamic Bayesian model that uses results from published surveys that measure voting intention, as well as their historical performance in relation to the official election results.



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