Survey: Larreta would be the only one who would beat FdT in a second round

A survey revealed that the Buenos Aires head of government, Horacio Rodriguez Larretawould be the only candidate for PvC that could beat Front of All in a possible second round in the elections for president of this 2023.

This was concluded by the study carried out Synopsis in the second week of March, almost 1,700 people over the age of 16 residing in the main cities of each of the 23 provinces and the City of Buenos Aires. In addition, Rodríguez Larreta would also have an advantage facing the inmates against Patricia Bullrichin Together for Change.

According to the consultant, the head of the Buenos Aires government “is the only leader of JxC who wins in the second round against the FDT: he prevails with the 41,3% about Sergio Massa (35,5%)”.

How Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri measure in the main districts of the province of Buenos Aires

This follows from the fact that “JxC loses in the second round with Bullrich as a candidate: he wins Massa with 40.6% and Bullrich gets 38.5%“.

Intern at Together for Change

Regarding an intern, Rodríguez Larreta would also prevail with the 43,5% about Patricia Bullrich (39,3%) and wins in other scenarios in which the radical was contemplated Facundo Manes.

First round

The study revealed that JxC is the coalition with the highest vote intention (27,4%) towards the presidential elections. In second place was FdT with 23.4%followed by Liberals (14.6%)he non-Kirchnerist Peronism (9.2%) y left-wing parties (5.3%).

What does the Buenos Aires survey say that gives Frente de Todos the winner for the presidential elections?

Without the non-Kirchnerist Peronism, JxC prevails with more advantage (29.2%) in the presidential elections, followed by the FdT (26%), Liberales (15.7%) and left-wing parties (5.8%).

In addition, 55% of those consulted assured that they will vote for the “opposition” in the presidential elections, while the 25.9% said they will do it for the “government”. He 19.1% are “undecided”. This is the month in which the most people leaned in favor of an opponent in the last 4 studies, and the worst month in favor of the FdT.

JD / HB / ED

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