Survey endorses Petro-Márquez as the winning formula in Colombia | News

The candidate Gustavo Petro, together with Francia Márquez, would be the presidential formula that would win the presidential elections in Colombia on June 19, according to the survey by the National Consulting Center (CNC).


Is Gustavo Petro a danger to Colombia?

According to the investigation, the representative of the Historical Pact Gustavo Petro would reach 44.9 percent of the votes once morest 41 percent of the neoliberal Rodolfo Hernández of the Anti-Corruption Leaders League.

From the electoral study that questioned 2,172 citizens in 50 municipalities of the country from May 31 to June 2, with a margin of error of 2.1 percent, he argued that regarding the political currents with which they most identified, led the Historical Pact and the Human Colombia that reached 20.4 percent, while the League of Anticorruption Governors only obtained 1.7 percent.

Although Rodolfo Hernández rose 12.83 percentage points, in a context where other candidates supported him, Gustavo Petro obtained a growth of 4.56 percentage points.

9.4 percent of the surveyed population does not know or does not express criteria, 3 percent would vote blank and 1.7 percent would not vote for either of the two candidates for the presidency.

The Colombia Informa platform has highlighted in one of its articles the concern of social movements and organizations in the country, due to the Internal Commotion decree proposed by presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernández if he becomes chief executive.

“They assure that it would put democracy and the freedoms of citizens at risk, as well as the guarantee of the rights enshrined in the 1991 constitution. In 2002 Álvaro Uribe was sworn in and four days later he decreed the same measure to promote his policy of democratic security, in violation of International Humanitarian Law -IHL- in Colombia”, the Colombian media reported.

For his part, the spokesperson for the Colombian political and social movement Congreso de los Pueblos, who is committed to Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, said that “we are going to work to continue the change, we started with the mobilization and popular struggle, now we add the possibility of being government for structural changes with the Historical Pact”.

He also pointed out that in Colombia there are great challenges to transform the country, “the social struggle has given dignity to the people and the outbreak expressed it. Also in the exercise of being a government, we can advance in that dream in the second round with the Historical Pact”.

Colombia is experiencing a context of extreme violence, where according to the registry of the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz), 81 social leaders have been assassinated, and 1,308 since the signing of the agreement, as well as 45 massacres.

On the other hand, 72 cases of police abuse have been registered in 2022, according to data offered by the Tremors platform, which covered the abuses by the Mobile Anti-riot Squads of the Colombian National Police (Esmad) during the protests in Colombia in 2021 .



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