Survey: Belgians’ Choice and Adaptation Habits Revealed

2023-10-13 15:01:00
Survey on the choice of Belgians. ©IPM Graphics

In Flanders, N-VA voters go once morest the grain of expectations, with 58.9% of Flemish people close to the nationalist party saying they have changed their habits. Conversely, Vlaams Belang voters most reject the fact of adaptation (36.6% unfavorable, and 30% “neither agree nor disagree”).

In Brussels, far-left voters are the least inclined to change (a quarter of PTB voters are “disagree” or “strongly disagree”). To a lesser extent, MR supporters are also more hesitant than the Brussels average.

Income has little influence

If we look at the age of the respondents, the observation is the same for all regions: those over 55 have changed their way of living the most. We might also say that they are the ones who have had the most time to do it. Half of Flemish people in this age category say they have changed, compared to only 41% of those under 34. The trend is even more marked in the Walloon Region, where two thirds of those over 55 agree with the statement compared to just over half of respondents in the youngest age category.

Finally, note that the net income of respondents seems to have little influence on their adaptation to climate change. Only Flemish people with a net income below €2,000 stand out more in favor of a change in behavior, potentially for economic reasons.

This survey was carried out by the Kantar institute via an online survey from September 10 to October 9 among 436 voters living in Wallonia, 566 voters living in Flanders and 545 voters living in Brussels with the right to vote in the 2024 national elections. Their representativeness was weighted according to the Belgian population according to age, level of education, professional status and province. The maximum margin of error is 4.4% in all three regions.

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