Surprise: 9-year-old Eitan wrote a letter to President Biden – and received an answer

During the previous school year, 9-year-old Eitan Rosenthal, a third-grader from a school in Houston, Texas, decided to send a letter to President Joe Biden. The reason: he received an assignment in class – to write a letter to whoever he wanted, so he decided to designate him as president.

Eitan is very connected to the news in Israel, so he decided to address the events of the massacre about ten months ago. He wrote a letter and sent the envelope directly to the White House. In the letter he asked Biden to support Israel. At the beginning of the week, the new school year in the United States opened, and a surprise awaited Eitan in the classroom – a letter from the White House.

The letter, at the end of which President Biden’s signature appears, reads as follows: “The people of Israel went through a moment of terror – more than 1,300 citizens, including Americans, were murdered by Hamas. The reports of the atrocities are burned in our souls.” Biden added that the terrorist attack by Hamas reminded him of the Holocaust. “I will not remain silent, the United States stands by Israel – we will do everything to ensure that it can defend itself,” he added.

In addition, Biden promised Eitan to try and return the abductees and pledged to ensure the protection of the citizens of Israel. “I will continue to work for peace and a two-state solution, so that the Israeli and Palestinian people can enjoy security and respect,” he said.

Hagit Parintah, Eitan’s mother, told News 12: “Eitan got excited and ran to me. He told me – ‘I received a letter from the White House. The President of the United States promised that he would help Israel and the Jewish people.'” She added that the letter made her feel safe. “I see it as a statement of support, which shows that they stand by us and acknowledge what happened,” she concluded.



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