Surge in Cyber Threats Targeting Mobile Devices

Surge in Cyber Threats Targeting Mobile Devices

SANTO DOMINGO (EFE).— Attempted attacks against mobile devices increased by 70% in Latin America in one year (August 2023-July 2024) to reach a record figure of 3.9 million, according to cybersecurity experts.

In a study on threats for Latin America prepared by the firm Kaspersky and known in Santo Domingo, it is indicated that these 3.9 million attempts to attack mobile devices contrast with the 2.3 million registered between August 2022 and July 2023 and represent 7.46 blocks per minute.

The 3.9 million represents a more than threefold increase over the past four years, with 1.25 million attacks in 2020, 1.5 million in 2021, and 2.3 million each in 2022 and 2023.

In the period analyzed from August 2023 to last July, the most affected countries in the region were Brazil (1.8 million blockages), Mexico (835,000) and Ecuador (402,000), followed by Colombia with 203,000.

Growing threat

The largest increase in threats was recorded in Chile with 133,000 blocks (an increase of 213%), followed by Panama with 20,000 blocks (an increase of 160%).

According to the experts who were consulted, the main threats detected on cell phones and tablets are applications that display unwanted advertising and also platforms that offer loans with the cell phone as collateral, but block access to the victim’s device if the monthly installments are not paid.

#Attacks #mobile #devices #rise
2024-09-06 06:49:21
Here⁤ is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


What is a


In HTML, ‌a‍

⁤(short for “division”) is a generic container element used to group other elements together for styling, layout, ⁤or semantic purposes. It is a block-level element, meaning ​it occupies a rectangular area‌ on the page⁣ and ⁣can contain other elements, ⁣including text,⁣ images, and even⁢ other


What is the purpose of a



​ element serves several purposes ⁢in HTML:

  1. Grouping elements: A
    can be used to group together multiple ⁣elements, ‍such as paragraphs, images, and links, making it easier ⁣to apply styles, layouts,​ and responsive design.
  2. Creating ⁣layouts:
    elements⁤ can be used ​to create complex layouts, such as headers, footers, ‍sidebars, and content ⁤areas, by dividing the‌ page into separate sections.
  3. Semantic meaning: While ‍not as descriptive as other ⁢HTML elements, a
    can provide some ⁢semantic meaning to a section of ⁢content, especially when used with ARIA attributes for accessibility.
  4. Styling and presentation: ​
    ‌ elements can be styled using CSS to⁤ change ⁤their appearance, layout, and behavior, making them a fundamental building block of⁤ web design.

How to use⁢ a


To use a

,​ simply wrap the elements you want ⁤to ​group together​ with ⁢the opening

tag and the ⁣closing ‍


You can ‍add styles, classes, IDs, and other attributes ⁢to the

element as needed.‌ For‍ example:

Welcome to our website!

This is a sample paragraph.

Best practices for using

When​ using

elements, keep the following best practices in‍ mind:

  1. Use them ⁤sparingly:⁢ Avoid overusing
    elements, as they can lead to‍ “div-itis” – a situation where ​your⁣ HTML code ⁣becomes bloated and difficult to maintain.
  2. Use semantic elements when⁢ possible: Instead of using a
    for a⁢ specific purpose, consider using ⁢a⁤ more descriptive element, such as


  3. Keep your HTML structure organized: Use
    elements to ‍create ‍a logical and hierarchical structure for your HTML content.
  4. Use CSS for styling: Instead of using
    ⁢ elements to apply styles, use CSS classes and IDs to keep your HTML and CSS separate and maintainable.

Common use cases for

Here are some common scenarios where

‍elements are particularly ‍useful:

  1. Creating responsive‍ layouts:‌ Use​
    elements to create responsive ⁢layouts that adapt⁢ to different screen⁢ sizes and devices.
  2. Building accordions ⁢and tabs: Use
    elements to create ​interactive elements like accordions and⁤ tabs.
  3. Implementing modal ​windows ⁤and popovers:Use
    elements ‍to create modal windows⁣ and popovers that overlay on top​ of other content.
  4. Creating dynamic content areas: Use
    elements ⁢to create dynamic content areas that can be updated with‍ JavaScript or ‌server-side technologies.


The ⁣

⁤ element is a fundamental building block of HTML, ⁣providing a flexible and versatile⁣ way to ‌group elements together,​ create layouts, and apply styles. By ⁢following​ best ‌practices and using

elements‌ judiciously, you ‍can create ‍maintainable, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing ‍web pages.


, HTML, CSS, web design, layout, styling, semantic meaning, accessibility.



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