The origin of this mysterious disease, which is characterized by severe inflammation of the liver, remains unknown. A vagueness which makes things even more complex and blurs, for the moment, the tracks of the laboratories.
For several weeks, many scientists have been tracking the origin of a mysterious disease. This is not a new variant of Covid-19, rest assured! It is rather a wave of acute hepatitis which mainly affects children under ten years of age. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 230 probable cases have been identified worldwide. “Thus, as of May 1, at least 228 probable cases have been reported to WHO in 20 countries, and more than 50 other cases are under investigation”, declared, Tuesday May 3, 2022, the spokesperson for the UN body Tarik Jasarevic, during a press briefing by UN agencies in Geneva. This mysterious pathology has already caused three deaths in Indonesia, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Children between the ages of two and 11.
unknown origin
What regarding Morocco? For the time being, no danger in the remains. No case has yet officially in the Kingdom. Nevertheless, vigilance must remain in place, according to Dr. Tayeb Hamdi, medical researcher in health policies and systems. In an article entitled “Mysterious viral hepatitis: the vigilance of parents and health professionals is essential”, he explains that this disease is manifested by symptoms such as jaundice, making the eyes and skin yellowish in color, vomiting , diarrhea and abdominal pain. Also, the urine becomes dark and the stools pale, and the child is tired and suffers from itching. “Of all the children affected, at least one child died, and one child in ten had to undergo a liver transplant,” he warns.
The origin of this infection, which is characterized by severe inflammation of the liver, remains unknown. A vagueness which makes things even more complex and blurs, for the moment, the tracks of the laboratories. “Biological and epidemiological analyzes have not detected any known viral cause or toxic cause for this outbreak of hepatitis,” confirms the expert. An adenovirus was suspected because it was found in eight out of ten children affected by these viral hepatitis.
According to Dr. Hamdi, adenoviruses include around sixty varieties, one of which is responsible for colds and bronchitis in children under five, especially during winter and spring. “His responsibility has not been formally established, especially the circumstances which would have helped this virus to transform itself from an infectious agent, normally benign in children, into such a severe infection”, he continues.
It invites parents to bring their children for consultation with the pediatrician without delay to carry out an early diagnosis in order to put in place protective measures. “Children and their parents must rigorously observe the rules of hygiene: frequent hand washing, following meals, following toilets and respiratory hygiene measures”, he recommends, while calling health professionals ” to investigate all probable cases with a view to declaring them to the Ministry of Health”