Supreme Court Upholds Government’s Strategy for Chief Justice’s ‘Set Tenure’ in Pakistan

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has confirmed the government’s intentions of a ‘fixed term‘ for the Chief Justice. What was said was wrongly explained.

In a statement issued by the Secretary of the Chief Justice, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed, it was said that yesterday was the beginning of the judicial year and the Attorney General, the Vice Chairman of the Pakistan Bar Council and the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association were invited to address and express their views. was invited to The Chief Justice of Pakistan finally addressed the ceremony.

According to the statement, at the end of the ceremony, the participants were invited to tea, during which some journalists surrounded the Chief Justice, talked to him and asked him questions.

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“The Chief Justice made it clear that he was speaking to him off the record but since the conversation was misinterpreted and widely disseminated, it is imperative that what transpired be accurately presented,” the statement said. be done’.

According to the statement, the Chief Justice was asked about the extension of his tenure, to which he replied that “several months ago, the Law Minister had come to him in his chamber and said that the government would extend the tenure of the Chief Justice of Pakistan.” Considering extending the employment for a fixed period of three years’.

It should be noted that recently Prime Minister Nazir Tarar had said regarding the alleged judicial package that talks are being heard about increasing the tenure of the Chief Justice to three years or increasing the retirement age of Supreme Court judges from 65 to 68 years. are

When he was asked about the rumors of a constitutional package to extend the tenure of the Chief Justice, he said said in a conversation with Aaj News Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa had asked about this during a meeting at the end of April.

He shared that Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa emphasized that it was the prerogative of Parliament and he was not in favor of any such amendment. Azam Nazir Tarar told the Chief Justice that no such thing is under consideration, but the government has reservations regarding the appointment and retirement of judges.

While Rana Sanaullah demanded that the retirement age of High Court and Supreme Court judges should be made the same, the tenure of the Chief Justice should also be fixed.

In this regard, the Chief Justice told reporters that he told the Law Minister that he would not accept the proposal if it was implemented individually.

According to the statement, senior Peony Judge and Attorney General were also present in this meeting. The Law Minister also mentioned the role of the Parliamentary Committee in tenure and appointment of judges, which he said that the role of the committee has expired, therefore it should be considered to include it and the Judicial Commission in one body. has been To which the Chief Justice replied that it is the prerogative of the Parliament, however he added that I hope the opposition will not be excluded from counsel. After that, the Law Minister did not have a private meeting with the Chief Justice and did not discuss any such matter with the Chief Justice.

According to the statement, there was a follow-up question related to what Rana Sanaullah said regarding this topic. The Chief Justice replied that I have not met the said ‘gentleman’ and I do not know what he said, so if there is any question, speak to him directly.

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The Chief Justice was also questioned on the proposal to increase the number of judges due to the increase in the number of cases, to which the Chief Justice replied that it would have been better to fill up the vacancies first.

“It is regrettable that an off-the-record conversation was needlessly and wrongly aired and published and created unnecessary sensationalism,” the statement said.

#Supreme #Court #Declaration #Confirms #Government #Intentions #Fixed #Term #Chief #Justice #Pakistan
2024-09-16 20:09:45

– What are⁤ the implications of the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s clarification on the Chief Justice’s fixed⁤ term? ⁢

The Supreme Court of Pakistan ⁣Clarifies Chief Justice’s Fixed‍ Term Controversy

In a recent statement, the Secretary of the Chief‍ Justice⁣ of Pakistan, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed, clarified ​the controversy ⁤surrounding the⁤ fixed term⁤ of the Chief Justice. The statement was​ issued to set the record straight after a conversation between the Chief Justice and journalists was misinterpreted and ⁤widely disseminated.

The Judicial Year Ceremony

The ‍controversy began during the judicial year ceremony, ​where ‍the Attorney General, the Vice Chairman of the Pakistan Bar Council,​ and the President of the‌ Supreme Court Bar Association were invited‍ to ​address and express their views. After the ceremony, participants were invited to​ tea, where some journalists ⁣surrounded ​the Chief‌ Justice and asked him questions.

The ⁣Misinterpreted‍ Conversation

According⁢ to the statement, the Chief ⁢Justice made it clear that he was speaking off the record, but⁢ the ⁢conversation was‍ misinterpreted and widely disseminated. To rectify the‌ situation, the statement accurately‌ presented what transpired during the conversation.

The Fixed Term Proposal

During​ the conversation, ⁤the Chief Justice was asked about‌ the extension​ of his ‌tenure. He replied that several months ago, the Law Minister had come to⁤ him in his chamber⁤ and said that the government would extend‍ the tenure of the Chief Justice of Pakistan⁤ for a fixed ⁣period‌ of three years.

Background on‌ the Constitutional Package

Recently, Prime Minister Nazir Tarar mentioned a constitutional package that would increase the tenure of the Chief Justice ‌to three years or increase the retirement age⁣ of Supreme Court judges from 65 to 68 years. However, the Law Minister, ‌Azam Nazir Tarar, clarified that no such proposal is under consideration, but the ‌government ⁢has reservations regarding the appointment ​and‌ retirement ‍of judges.

The⁢ Meeting ​with⁣ the ⁢Law Minister

The Chief Justice recalled​ a meeting ‌with the Law Minister, where⁢ Chief ‌Justice Qazi Faiz Isa ​emphasized​ that any⁣ such amendment is the prerogative of Parliament and he was not in favor of ​any changes. The ⁤Law Minister mentioned⁤ the role of the​ Parliamentary Committee in the tenure and appointment of ⁣judges, suggesting​ that it should be considered ⁣to include the committee⁢ and the ​Judicial Commission ⁤in one⁣ body. The Chief Justice replied⁤ that it is the prerogative of Parliament and ‌expressed‌ hope that the opposition would not be ‍excluded from ⁤counsel.

Rana Sanaullah’s Demands

Rana Sanaullah, a senior politician, demanded that the retirement age of High Court and Supreme Court judges should be made‌ the same, and the tenure of the Chief Justice should also be fixed. However, the Chief Justice made it clear ⁢that he would ⁣not accept the proposal if it ⁤was implemented individually.


The​ statement issued by the Secretary of the Chief Justice‍ aims to clarify the controversy surrounding the fixed term of the‍ Chief‌ Justice. It ⁢is‌ essential to ensure that the ‌conversation is accurately presented‌ to avoid​ any misinterpretation or misinformation.

Keywords: Supreme Court of Pakistan, Chief Justice, fixed term, Law Minister, judicial year ceremony, constitutional package, retirement age, appointment ​and retirement of ‌judges, Parliamentary​ Committee, Judicial Commission.

Meta Description: The ⁣Supreme⁢ Court of​ Pakistan clarifies⁣ the controversy ‍surrounding the fixed⁣ term of ​the Chief Justice, setting the record straight ‌on the conversation that was misinterpreted⁣ and widely⁢ disseminated.

Header Tags:

H1: The Supreme Court of Pakistan Clarifies Chief Justice’s Fixed Term Controversy

H2: The ⁣Judicial Year Ceremony

⁢H2: The ‍Misinterpreted Conversation

H2: The Fixed Term Proposal

H2: Background⁤ on the ⁣Constitutional Package

H2:​ The Meeting with the Law Minister

H2: Rana Sanaullah’s Demands

H2: Conclusion

What are the implications of the Chief Justice of Pakistan’s clarification on the proposed fixed term for his position?

The Supreme Court of Pakistan Clarifies Misinterpreted Comments on Fixed Term for Chief Justice

In a recent statement, the Secretary of the Chief Justice, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed, clarified the misinterpreted comments made by the Chief Justice of Pakistan regarding the government’s proposal for a fixed term for the position. The statement was issued to set the record straight and provide an accurate account of the conversation that took place.

The controversy surrounding the fixed term proposal began when the Chief Justice addressed a ceremony marking the beginning of the judicial year. During the event, he was approached by journalists who asked him questions, including one about the extension of his tenure. The Chief Justice explained that the Law Minister had previously approached him with a proposal to extend the tenure of the Chief Justice of Pakistan for a fixed period of three years.

The statement from the Chief Justice’s office emphasized that the conversation was off the record, but since it was misinterpreted and widely disseminated, it was necessary to provide an accurate account of what transpired.

Government’s Proposal for a Fixed Term

The government’s proposal to introduce a fixed term for the Chief Justice has been a topic of discussion in recent months. Prime Minister Nazir Tarar had mentioned that talks were underway to extend the tenure of the Chief Justice to three years or increase the retirement age of Supreme Court judges from 65 to 68 years.

The Chief Justice, Qazi Faiz Isa, had expressed his reservations about the proposal during a meeting with the Law Minister at the end of April. He emphasized that the prerogative to make such amendments lies with Parliament, and he was not in favor of any such change.

Parliament’s Role in Judicial Appointments

The Law Minister, Azam Nazir Tarar, had mentioned that the government has reservations regarding the appointment and retirement of judges. He suggested that the role of the Parliamentary Committee in tenure and appointment of judges should be considered, and that it should be included in the Judicial Commission.

The Chief Justice replied that it is the prerogative of Parliament to make such changes, but he hoped that the opposition would not be excluded from the counsel.

Misinterpreted Comments

The Chief Justice’s comments were misinterpreted, leading to widespread speculation about the government’s intentions. The statement from the Chief Justice’s office clarified that the Chief Justice had not accepted the proposal and would not accept it if it were implemented individually.

In response to a follow-up question about Rana Sanaullah’s comments on the topic, the Chief Justice replied that he had not met the said gentleman and did not know what he said, so if there is any question, speak to him directly.


The Supreme Court of Pakistan has clarified the misinterpreted comments made by the Chief Justice regarding the government’s proposal for a fixed term for the position. The statement provided an accurate account of the conversation and emphasized that the Chief Justice had not accepted the proposal.

The controversy highlights the importance of accurate reporting and the need for clarity in high-profile discussions. The Supreme Court’s clarification sets the record straight and provides a clear understanding of the government’s proposal and the Chief Justice’s stance on the matter.

Keywords: Supreme Court of Pakistan, Chief Justice, fixed term, government proposal, judicial appointments, Parliament’s role, Law Minister, Azam Nazir Tarar, Rana Sanaullah.

Meta Description: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has clarified the misinterpreted comments made by the Chief Justice regarding the government’s proposal for a fixed term for the position. Read the accurate account of the conversation and the government’s intentions.

Header Tags:

H1: The Supreme Court of Pakistan Clarifies Misinterpreted Comments on Fixed Term for Chief Justice

H2: Government’s Proposal for a Fixed Term

H2: Parliament’s Role in Judicial Appointments

H2: Misinterpreted Comments

* H2: Conclusion



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