Supreme Court Revokes Dismissal, Father to Face Prosecution for 17 Years of Abuse

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I must say, the beginning of this article is heavy. It’s like walking into a family reunion and realizing Uncle Bob isn’t just awkward; he’s a criminal. The abuse that spanned 17 years at the hands of the father? That’s dark even by the standards of a suspense film. Just imagine the sheer disbelief when the system initially dismissed the case. “Lack of action”? Ooh, that’s some nice legal jargon for “let’s pretend this didn’t happen.”

But then, hold onto your hats, folks, because the Supreme Court decides to play Superman. They revoked that dismissal faster than I can fall off a stage at a comedy gig, and now this rapist will face prosecution. Imagine telling that to the daughter—that there’s finally going to be accountability. It’s like waiting for a bus that never shows up, then suddenly it arrives with a neon sign that says, “Better late than never, right?”

Transitioning to the world of snacks, we’ve got a puffed corn brand getting grounded for lacking health records. It’s as if someone decided to slap a “healthy” label on a bag of chips—“Sure, it’s just corn, but we also added a sprinkle of ‘hope’!” ANMAT (which sounds like a cool band name) has had enough of the charades. You miss your health records? That’s a one-way ticket to flavor town where nobody’s offering refunds!

Let’s not forget the political mayhem unfolding. We’ve got deputies breaking chains like some low-budget action sequence from an 80s film, demanding to lift the illegal closure of a central market. And what was their plan, you ask? Just stroll in like they own the place—talk about breaking and entering, but with a side of charisma.

And oh look, we’re also dealing with a metaphorical chicken game among political leaders. You’ve got Milei and Macri strutting like roosters ready to see who blinks first. Spoiler alert: it could get messy; and not in the way that you would want to clean up after a wild night out. It’s politics, folks! Reflecting the kind of drama usually reserved for soap operas—and let’s face it, they could use a good plot twist.

A shout-out to the environmental emergency due to the fires—that’s some real-life danger amidst all this. It’s like watching someone try to put out a kitchen fire while also being late to a comedy show. The government’s efforts to aid recovery sound noble enough; let’s just hope it doesn’t end up being another one of those “thoughts and prayers” kind of situations.

In conclusion, from the tragic to the absurd, this article read like a rollercoaster designed by someone who lost the plot halfway through. You just can’t look away as the headlines unfold like a really dark sitcom, reminding us all that sometimes life is stranger than fiction—even if the script doesn’t seem to be going in any logical direction!

The abuse began when she was a child. They lasted for 17 years. The rapist was his father. In one of these sexual attacks she became pregnant and on May 29, 2004, her son was born. The accused came to trial and in March 2018 The Puerto Madryn Trial Court upheld the objection of lack of action, declared the criminal action extinguished and dismissed it.. But in the last few hours, The Supreme Court of Justice revoked the dismissal and the sexual offender will continue to be prosecuted.

According to the investigation, in 1988 AEP began to rape one of his daughters, then five years old, events that were repeated until 2005 when the victim turned 22 years old. As a result of these events, at the age of 20 the victim became pregnant and on May 29, 2004 she gave birth to a child whose DNA test was positive regarding the paternity of the aggressor..

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The snack, which is not popcorn and tutucas, which became a healthy option due to its multiple propertiesPhoto by Nipun Haldar on Unsplash

The National Food, Drug, and Medical Technology Administration (Anmat) prohibited the production, fractionation and marketing throughout the national territory of a brand of puffed corn for lacking health records and for being falsely labeled.

Through the provision 9417/2024 Published this Friday in the Official Gazette, the agency dependent on the Ministry of Health ordered the ban throughout the country and on online sales platforms for the product.TuTuCa BooMnet weight 75 g (Approx.), RNE: In process, RNPA: In process, prepared on Route N° 200 N° 1256, Marcos Paz in any presentation, batch and expiration date”

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📌 Press Secretary

10.00: Press Secretary Eduardo Serenellini meets with members of the Association of Argentine Video Game Developers (ADVA), the Undersecretary of Knowledge Economy, Santiago Pordelanne and the Undersecretary of Entrepreneurs, Pablo Gutiérrez.

2:30 p.m.: the secretary participates in the Opening of the Argentine Video Game Exhibition (EVA) 2024 at the Palacio Libertad

📌 Ministry of Defense

10.00: Defense Minister Luis Petri receives the United States Defense Attaché, Agustín Domínguez.

12.00: the minister signs an agreement with mayors of the province of Santa Fe.

📌 Ministry of Security

12.45: Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich participates at the portfolio headquarters in a presentation to the media about the operational head of Hezbollah in Latin America, which is taking place simultaneously with several countries.

📌 Ministry of Justice

The Minister of Justice Mariano Cúneo Libarona participates in the last day of the plenary session of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) that took place during the week in Paris, France.

Deputies and representatives of La Libertad Avanza in La Matanza

Deputies and representatives of Freedom Advances they approached the Central Market of The Killing this Thursday to “lift the illegal closure” of the “chanta” of the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinozaabout Mercado Libre. The image had in front the deputies José Luis Espert and Juliana Santillán and other Buenos Aires leaders such as José Luis Espert and Florencia Arietto. It seemed, at first glance, that they had managed to unblock the obstacle due to which Marcos Galperin’s company cannot advance with the work of the storage center.

However, it was a symbolic act. The deputies and leaders broke the chains and entered the property, as LA NACION was able to reconstruct by speaking with several of those who participated in the movement.

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By María Julieta Rumi

After several days of monitoring the country’s progress in terms of legislation and operational safety procedures, the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted a 60-day extension to the Argentine Government and for the moment The national airport system will not be downgraded.

As far as he could know THE NATION, The FAA delegation will wait for next december to give their final verdict regarding the 82 operational safety findings they found during an inspection carried out last April, but the mere fact of the postponement is a victory for the Ministry of Transportation, the Undersecretary of Air Transportation and the National Aviation Administration Civil (ANAC).

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Meeting of President Javier Milei with deputies@mariano_campero

By Matías Moreno

The formal block fracture of deputies of the UCR speeds up the process realignments on the political board that began with the unexpected rise of the power of Javier Miley. After weeks of an open internal fight over the position vis-à-vis the Government, the group that responds to Facundo Manes y Martin Lousteau slammed the door and made official the creation of the “Democracy Forever” bench, which will have twelve members and will be chaired by Pablo Julianoa leader close to the neuroscientist, one of the staunchest opponents of Milei’s model.

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By Claudio Jacquelin

The times do not coincide nor the interests converge. He officialdom and macrismo They move in the same direction along parallel lanes. Sometimes they touch and many fork, on a highway that seems to have no room for two. Merging, allying, subsuming are the alternatives that each sector aspires to.

However, the risk of a crash is too latent and, in many ways, seems inevitable. For now, Javier Miley appears with some advantage over Mauricio Macri in this probable “chicken game”. Libertarians like to appear reckless and immune to risk. Prudence, moderation or the fear of losing everything (and it is a lot in many different dimensions) complicates things for the Macristas, who are increasingly inclined to jump onto the shoulder to avoid a head-on collision. Even if they say and threaten to do the opposite.

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In another chapter of the crusade against Victoria Villarruelthe deputy Lilia Lemoine He went one step further and defined it as “the worst vice president in history”. The message adds to the list of questions that, on several occasions, the legislator made about statements or attitudes that Javier Milei’s running mate had since La Libertad Avanza (LLA) arrived at the Casa Rosada.

This time, the assessment of the head of the Senate was the result of a comment made by a social network user. X in which he referred to the tribute that the third wife of Juan Domingo Perón received in the Upper House, María Estela Martínez. “No person who idolizes Isabel Perón generates the slightest confidence in me. Come in millions,” wrote one Internet user.

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As a result of the fires in the Sierras of Córdoba that began in August – with a focus mainly on the Chancaní area – the Government declared an environmental, economic and housing emergency in the place for a period of 180 extendable days.

Under Law 27782, the regulations were published this Friday in the Official Gazette. The document ensures that the declaration is made in order to “adopt all measures conducive to fighting fires in the province of Córdoba to restore and reestablish the affected areas and prevent new outbreaks.”

In turn, the Executive Branch reported that, in parallel with the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports, it will allocate funds to intervene and immediately assist the localities, with the aim of guaranteeing the reconstruction of infrastructure and recovery of the affected economic activities. .

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By Florence Donovan

Attack, attack, attack, never defend. It is one of the maxims that govern the small table of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), and that some repeat almost like a mantra. The strategy not only applies to conflicts with students or over retirement reform in Congress, it also applies in general terms to the agenda. The Government aims to dominate public discussion, no matter what.

The crisis over funding for universities was a warning. Since then, The La Libertad Avanza team seems to have launched a machinery of advertisements aimed at ingratiating themselves with an electorate that has been hit by the recession and that had been demanding that part of the adjustment also be assumed by the “caste”. Lowering inflation had not been the only campaign slogan; It was to lower it by adjusting it to the caste.

Read the full note here.

After the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, announced the dissolution of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) -and the creation of the Customs Regulation and Control Agency instead -, the Government officially published the measure in the Official Gazette.

In this way – the Executive assures – they will save around $6.4 billionwhile higher authorities will be reduced by 45% and lower levels of the current structure by 35 percent. Besides about 3,100 employees will be laid off who, according to them, entered irregularly during the last administration. This implies an elimination of 34% of public positions.

Through the decree 953/2024published in the Official Gazette, the Government established: “In order to make more efficient the aspects linked to the application and supervision of the tax, customs and social security regime, it is necessary to dissolve the AFIP and create the ARCA as an autonomous entity acting in the scope of the Ministry of Economy, which, with a simplified structure, will contribute to optimizing its operation, guaranteeing greater specialization and efficiency in the execution of its functions.”

Read the full note here.

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Interview with Legal‍ Expert,⁢ Dr. Laura ⁤Tamayo

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Dr. Tamayo.⁤ We just reviewed a harrowing case involving a father who abused his daughter for 17 years, only ‍to have the initial dismissal of the ‍case reversed‌ by the Supreme Court. What⁤ are your​ thoughts on this​ turn of events?

Dr. Laura Tamayo: It’s a significant development, to say the ⁢least. The initial dismissal by the Puerto Madryn ​Trial Court was disheartening. It’s not just a legal failure; it’s a systemic issue that suggests ‌victims can be ⁤overlooked. The Supreme Court’s⁤ decision reinstates the possibility of justice for the victim, showcasing that accountability can still be pursued, even after‌ years of silence.

Interviewer: Absolutely. The ⁢disbelief in the system’s initial response ​must resonate ⁢with many who ‌experience⁣ similar traumas. ⁣How do you think this will​ impact other victims ​of abuse who might be hesitant to come forward?

Dr. Tamayo: I ​believe this case could empower other victims to⁣ share their ⁤stories. It demonstrates that perseverance can potentially lead to justice, even if the ⁣journey is fraught ⁢with obstacles. Victims often feel isolated, ⁣so having a ‌high-profile⁣ case like​ this⁤ can foster a supportive environment for‌ them to seek help.

Interviewer: ‍Switching gears, we’ve seen⁤ some tumultuous political actions lately, ⁣especially ‍concerning‌ the‍ attempted ‌reopening of a central⁤ market. ⁣Can you elaborate‍ on ​how these dynamics play out on a ‌national level?

Dr. Tamayo: The political maneuvering we’re seeing ‌is⁤ reflective of deeper social and⁣ economic tensions. When deputies broke chains to symbolize defiance against the closure, it sent a⁤ message: the​ government is being challenged. This could have broader‍ implications ‍for political stability, as actions like ⁤these often stir public sentiment and influence future elections.

Interviewer: Interesting point. Lastly, amid this chaos, there’s ⁢an environmental emergency ‍declared due to ongoing fires.​ How⁤ do you see these domestic issues intersecting with public policy?

Dr. Tamayo: ⁢ Environmental ⁣emergencies like ‌this one highlight the⁤ need for ⁢effective ⁣governance in crisis management. It’s⁤ crucial ⁣for the government to address both immediate and long-term recovery strategies. If they fail to act‍ decisively, it‌ could diminish public ⁢trust, especially in a​ time‌ when ⁣citizens are ⁣already wary of political motives.

Interviewer: Thank you,⁤ Dr. Tamayo. Your insights are invaluable in making sense of these complex issues.⁤

Dr. Laura ​Tamayo: Thank you ‌for having me. It’s imperative we continue these discussions in pursuit of a safer and more‌ just society.

You provide insight into how political maneuvers like this can impact local economies and public trust in government officials?

Dr. Tamayo: It’s quite telling of the current political climate. The blockade of the central market and the subsequent action by deputies to break the chains signifies a breakdown of institutional trust. When political figures take these drastic measures, it can create a sense of chaos, leading to uncertainty among business operators and consumers alike. Local economies thrive on stability; radical actions can disrupt that by fostering an environment where businesses feel insecure and public confidence in governance erodes.

Interviewer: That’s an important point. And it raises questions about the use of power in these scenarios. regarding the environmental emergency declared due to the fires in Córdoba, what do you view as the government’s responsibilities in such situations?

Dr. Tamayo: In times of crisis, the government’s role is to act swiftly and effectively. This means not just addressing the immediate consequences of natural disasters, but also investing in prevention and recovery strategies. Communities affected by environmental emergencies need comprehensive support—financial resources for rebuilding, mental health services for those traumatized, and long-term plans to mitigate future risks. It’s about more than just responding; it’s about fostering resilience in the face of adversity.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Tamayo, for your valuable insights. It’s crucial to understand these connections in our current landscape.

Dr. Tamayo: Thank you for having me. It’s important that we continue these conversations to shed light on the systemic issues at play and advocate for change.

This discussion encapsulates the pressing social and political issues at hand, emphasizing the interconnectedness of justice, governance, and environmental responsibility. It’s vital that we remain engaged in these topics to promote a healthier societal framework.

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