Support the People’s Party: Donate to Help Achieve Our Ambition

2023-12-06 16:42:00

“We are looking for 650,000 euros for our two electoral campaigns”, we can read in this letter signed by President Raoul Hedebouw. “That’s why I’m asking you to help us once more by making a donation. Any amount up to 500 euros is welcome.”

The Marxist party claims that it is the only one to be half-dependent from its own resources. “The PTB only comes in eighth position in terms of public subsidies. […] We run and win our campaigns thanks to the extraordinary financial support of our members, elected officials and supporters.”

The PTB sent a letter requesting financial support to its supporters. ©DR

The request is supplemented by an explanation of the use that would be made of the money paid. With 100 euros, the PTB claims to be able to reach 20,000 people on social media. Remember that the PTB is the second French-speaking party that spends the most on social networks. In 4 years, they spent 2.5 million euros just on their Facebook . This figure includes the personal pages of elected officials and the general party pages.

With 200 euros, the communists print 1,000 posters. With 500 euros, 11,000 electoral leaflets.

“I had the impression that my money was wanted”: to the PTB, activists are required to pay part of their salary every month

“We must lead a formidable electoral campaign,” writes Raoul Hedebouw in his letter. “With the enthusiasm of thousands of big-hearted rebels, we will achieve it.”

It remains to be seen whether this method – which is legal – will actually increase its war chest. The letter was sent to thousands of activists, members and supporters. According to Germain Mugemangango, this method made it possible to reap big profits during the last elections.

”We find it important to be able to count on people. There are always a lot of people who do it,” explains the PTB group leader in the Walloon parliament. “It’s part of the way we operate. The difference is that we changed divisions. Today we are in the big leagues. To have the means to achieve our ambition, we need significant financial resources.”

“We are counting on popular support as we have for a long time,” confirms Raoul Hedebouw, president.

Each political party, which is represented by at least one member in the House of Representatives, is entitled to an endowment, public funding. This allocation is made up of a fixed amount and a variable amount, calculated on the basis of the number of votes obtained by the party concerned. The PTB claims to be the 8th French-speaking party in terms of endowment size. “Beneath us, there is only DéFI,” assures Germain Mugemangango. Reason why the PTB is making this call for donations.

The start of the period for limiting electoral expenses begins on Friday February 2, 2024. Until then, we should expect to see all kinds of stratagems appear aimed at financially boosting the electoral impact of the parties.

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