2023-07-06 18:30:00
Thirty students, teachers and association activists gathered Tuesday at the Pierre-Corneille high school in Rouen to support Anass Ajgou, an 18-year-old Moroccan high school student, threatened with expulsion.
The young man joined his father in France in 2018. The French authorities accuse him of having entered the territory following the age of 13. With his lawyer, Me Elatrassi, Anass Ajgou appealed this Obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) to which he has been subject since September 12, 2022. But the request did not succeed, the Court of Appeal having confirmed his expulsion in his judgment of February 23, 2023. “Anass can be expelled at any time”, confides the lawyer to Paris Normandie.
To read: Alae Eddine, an example of integration threatened with expulsion in Cherbourg
The high school student was summoned Monday before the departmental management of the police at the borders of Rouen. But the meeting did not take place. His loved ones still have hope. The young Moroccan has the support of his classmates and teachers. Anass is “a model of integration”, assures his main teacher, Arnaud Batut, initiator of the rally organized on Tuesday. And to add: “He is an exemplary student, with no delay, very good results, who helps his comrades in difficulty”.
Read: Popular Moroccan man facing deportation to France
The young man “no longer sees himself living in Morocco” and has “all his social ties” in France, insists his lawyer. This OQTF is a source of stress and fear for Anass who should join a preparatory class for the start of the school year.
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