Supplies and medicines for hospitals in Alto Paraná

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Health distributed supplies and medicines worth more than G. 1,826, which are added to the efforts to ensure that the hospitals in Alto Paraná have the necessary resources to respond to patients.

In this case, the distribution of supplies and medicines was for the X Health Region, Alto Paraná, with the aim of ensuring that the country’s establishments are adequately equipped to respond to the needs of patients.

The batch, which includes 44 items of essential medicines and frequently used supplies for emergency care, hospitalization, and other purposes, left the central warehouse.

These resources will be distributed to all health services in the department, thus strengthening response capacity and ensuring the availability of medicines and supplies for users, the Ministry of Health reported.

The General Directorate of Strategic Health Supplies Management (Dggies) is responsible for the provision of medicines and supplies, using a comprehensive management system for the supply of health technology. This approach guarantees an efficient and timely distribution of resources to the different health services.

#Supplies #medicines #hospitals #Alto #Paraná
2024-09-04 23:17:32



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