Supermoon and «Blue Moon» – Rare spectacle in the sky – Radio Vest

Supermoon and «Blue Moon» – Rare spectacle in the sky – Radio Vest

Did the moon shine blue?

According to NASA, the moon was not only a supermoon, but also a seasonal “blue moon”. Does that mean that the moon glowed blue? “No, that’s just the name for two full moons in one month or for the third full moon in a season with four full moons,” says NASA. Usually there are three full moons in each season with three months. But if there is a fourth full moon, it is a seasonal “blue moon.” According to NASA, only six percent of all full moons are seasonal or monthly “blue moons.” The English expression “once in a blue moon” means something like “once in a blue moon” because of the rarity of the event.



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