Supermedia polls, the Democratic Party cannot compete with Brothers of Italy. Avs in decline –

In what is the last Supermedia before the summer break – with the number of polls that has already become rather rarefied in recent weeks, determining a less substantial ‘basket’ than usual (5 polls carried out by 3 different institutes) – the emerging trends confirm Fratelli d’Italia at 29.2%, and therefore above the bar recorded in the European elections, as well as for the 5 Star Movement, at 10.6%. The center-left area, on the other hand, leaves something on the ground, with the PD falling by half a point compared to the European elections, while Avs returns to distance itself from the 7% threshold. Among the parties largely below 4%, Santoro’s Peace-Earth-Dignity movement is weakening in particular (1.4%).

Dressed for the beach: former captain Rackete in Rizzo's sights. The broadside

This, in detail, is the Supermedia lists: FDI 29.2 (+0.2) PD 23.6 (-0.2) M5S 10.6 (+0.3) Forza Italia 9.1 (+0.1) Lega 8.5 (=) Verdi/Sinistra 6.7 (-0.2) Azione 3.2 (-0.1) Italia Viva 2.1 (+0.1) +Europa 2.0 (+0.1) Pace Terra Dignità 1.4 (-0.4) Sud chiama Nord 1.1 (+0.1) Noi Moderati 1.0 (-0.1) This is instead the Supermedia coalitions 2022: Centre-right 47.7 (+0.1) Centre-left 32.2 (-0.4) M5S 10.6 (+0.3) Terzo Polo 5.3 (=) Others 4.2 (=)

NB: the variations in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia of two weeks ago (July 11, 2024). NOTE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes polls conducted from July 11 to 24, was carried out on July 25 based on the sample size, the date of execution and the data collection method. The polls considered were conducted by the SWG institutes (publication date: July 15 and 22), Tecnè (July 13 and 20) and Youtrend (July 22).

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#Supermedia #polls #Democratic #Party #compete #Brothers #Italy #Avs #decline #Tempo
2024-07-26 14:33:07



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