Supermarket prices have been rising since Monday – it’s getting more expensive now

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Of: Karolin Schäfer

Some everyday groceries will be more expensive at Aldi from Monday, sometimes by up to 50 percent. The president of the trade association makes a gloomy forecast.

Frankfurt – In the course of the Ukraine conflict, food prices have skyrocketed. Only recently did he Discount giant Aldi has increased its prices for some groceries. Now the next price shock is imminent. Due to rising costs, prices will be increased once more from Monday (04/04/2022).

This primarily affects foods such as meat, sausage and butter, which then become “significantly more expensive”, announced Florian Scholbeck, spokesman for Aldi Nord, to the German Press Agency. The reason for this is the higher prices that Aldi has to pay its suppliers. “Since the start of the Ukraine war, there have been jumps in purchase prices that we have never seen before,” explained Scholbeck.

founding 1913
Seat Essen (Aldi Nord), Mülheim an der Ruhr (Aldi Süd)
management Torsten Hufnagel (Aldi North), Norbert Podschlapp (Aldi South)

Aldi increases prices: costs in the supermarket are increasing – meat, sausage and butter are becoming more expensive

In an interview with the WAZ, Scholbeck said that butter should cost regarding 30 percent more. Other foods would be 20 to 50 percent more expensive. Nevertheless, the Aldi spokesman assured: “There will be no empty shelves.” However, short-term bottlenecks cannot be ruled out.

Above all, the higher costs for animal feed and fertilizers as well as energy lead to the price increase. Many European countries get more than half of their fertilizer from Russia. But with the invasion of Ukraine, Russia halted its exports. “The prices for resources such as fertilizer, diesel and animal feed are currently rising to record highs,” Johann Meierhöfer from the German Farmers’ Association told DW. According to the Aldi spokesman, this would in turn affect farmers in their livestock farming and the meat processing industry.

Food prices at Aldi have been rising since Monday (04/04/2022). (symbol photo) © Michael Gstettenbauer/Imago Images

Aldi Süd is also said to have caused a price increase. As the WAZ reported, the increases vary depending on the product. But food prices are not only rising at Aldi, customers will soon have to dig deeper into their pockets at other supermarkets and discounters too. Due to the situation on the world markets, “increasing sales prices throughout the industry […] don’t always avoid it,” said Edeka at the end of March. According to a survey by the Ifo Institute, almost all food retailers in Germany are planning price increases. From the On April 2nd, the mask requirement in supermarkets, retailers such as Aldi, Lidl and Rewe will fall can, however, make use of their domiciliary rights.

Aldi: Increased prices soon “everywhere in supermarkets”

As a result of the increased energy costs, food prices had already risen by around five percent before the outbreak of the Ukraine war, Josef Sanktjohanser, President of the German Trade Association (HDE), told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. Now the “second wave” of price increases is looming, “and it will certainly be in the double digits,” warned Sanktjohanser.

Shortly before Easter might now be another food shortage at Lidl, Aldi and Co will.

According to the President of the German Trade Association, consumers will be able to see this “on the price tags everywhere in the supermarkets.” Sanktjohanser predicted that the situation would not calm down in the near future and that there would be no reduction in prices in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. As a result, consumers have to be prepared for more expensive shopping in supermarkets and discounters such as Aldi, Lidl, Edeka and Rewe, for example, weekly shopping becomes more expensive.*

At the level of the Central Coordination for Trade and Agriculture (ZKHL), the leading trade and agricultural industry associations exchange views on the consequences of the Ukraine war. The current wave of price increases has not yet reached consumers, said ZKHL Managing Director Hermann-Josef Nienhoff according to dpa information. (kas/dpa) *Heidelberg24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.



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