Supermarket Owner Achieves Remarkable €1.34 Million in Revenue but Struggles with Profitability

The cross-checks carried out by the AADE on 3.8 million declarations of taxpayers with incomes of up to 10,000 euros reveal cases of extreme tax evasion.

Audits have identified professionals and businesses with huge turnovers who declare zero profits and are virtually tax-free as they only pay the pretense fee.

In particular:

  • Professional with a gas station and a turnover of €509,300, until today he declared 0 profitshad zero tax and paid a 650€ filing fee. It was founded in 2013 and has no employees. With the new taxation system, his taxable income amounts to €12,012, the tax will amount to €1,342.64. The tax payer in question will have an increase of €692.64 compared to the amount he paid until now.
  • Professional in the field of SUPER MARKET with a turnover of 1,344,306 €, to date declared profits 0had zero tax and paid a filing fee of €1,850. It was established in 2016, so it does not have an increase due to 3 years, nor a discount on the minimum wage. It has employees and pays them a total of €29,582 per year (€10,920 + €2,958 employer cost increase + 100% social security increase). With the new taxation system, his taxable income amounts to €27,756. The tax will amount to €5,271, i.e. €3,422 will be charged.
  • Entrepreneur with a PROPO agency with a turnover of €69,379, until today he declared zero profitshad zero tax and paid a tax of €1,250. The start of the business activity took place in 2014 and has employees. With the new taxation system, his taxable income will rise to €21,665 (€12,012 + €4,035 10% payroll increase + 35% social security increase) and the tax to €3,566. The taxpayer in question will have an increase of €2,316.
  • A businessman with an optical store with a turnover of €63,723, to date he declared €9,973 in profitshe had tax deductions of €898 and his tax was zero. He paid an application fee of €650. The start of the business activity took place in 2010 and has employees. With the new taxation system, his taxable income will rise to €18,713 (€13,104 + €757 10% salary increase + 35% social security increase) and the tax to €2,817. The taxpayer in question will have an increase of €2,167.
  • Entrepreneur in the field of elevator maintenance repair with a turnover of €63,325, until today he declared €8,779 profitshe paid a tax of €790 and a business tax of €650. The start of the business activity took place in 2014 and has employees. With the new taxation system, his taxable income will rise to €17,495 (€12,012 + €947 10% salary increase + 35% social security increase) and the tax to €2,549. The taxpayer in question will have an increase of €1,109.
  • Doctor with a turnover of €62,765, to date declared €13,569 in profitshe paid a tax of €1,685 and was not liable to a pretension fee. The start of the business activity took place in 2010 and has employees. With the new taxation system, his taxable income will rise to €20,735 (€13,104 + €2,256 10% payroll increase + 35% social security increase) and the tax to €3,306. The taxpayer in question will have an increase of €1,621.

Source: newsbeast

#Supermarket #owner #turnover #euros #declared #profits

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Uncovering Tax Evasion: AADE’s Cross-Checks Reveal Alarming Cases”**:

Uncovering Tax Evasion: ‌AADE’s‍ Cross-Checks⁢ Reveal Alarming Cases

The ‌Greek tax authority, AADE (Independent Authority for Public ‌Revenue), has conducted an extensive audit of ‌3.8 million tax ⁤declarations from individuals with incomes up to €10,000. ⁤The results are staggering, with numerous cases of extreme tax evasion uncovered. Professionals and businesses with substantial turnovers have been found to be declaring zero profits, thereby evading taxes and only ⁤paying the minimum filing fee.

Examples of Tax Evasion

Several examples illustrate the⁣ severity of the ⁢problem. A‌ professional with a gas station, founded in 2013, had a turnover of €509,300 but declared zero profits. Under the⁣ new taxation system, ‍their taxable income will increase to €12,012, resulting in a tax liability of €1,342.64. This represents an increase of €692.64 ‍compared to⁤ their previous payments.

Another example is a professional in the field of super markets, established in 2016, with a turnover of €1,344,306. Despite having‍ employees and paying them a total of €29,582 per year, they declared zero profits​ and paid a filing fee of €1,850. Under the new system, their taxable income will⁢ increase to €27,756, resulting in a ⁢tax liability of €5,271, an increase of €3,422.

Other cases include ​an entrepreneur with a PROPO agency, founded in 2014, with a turnover of ⁣€69,379, who ‍declared zero profits and ⁢paid a tax of €1,250. A​ businessman with an optical⁣ store, established in 2010, with a turnover of €63,723, ⁣declared €9,973 in profits but had tax deductions of €898, resulting ⁢in zero tax liability. An entrepreneur in the field of elevator maintenance and repair, ⁢founded in 2014, with a turnover of €63,325, declared €8,779 in profits and paid a tax of⁤ €790 and a business tax of €650.

Consequences of Tax Evasion

The consequences ‍of⁤ tax evasion are far-reaching and⁤ have a significant impact on the economy. The Greek government loses revenue that could ⁢be used ⁤to fund public services and infrastructure. Furthermore, tax evasion creates an uneven playing field, where honest taxpayers are burdened ⁤with higher tax rates to compensate for ⁤the lost revenue.

AADE’s Efforts to Combat Tax Evasion

The AADE has been working tirelessly‍ to combat tax evasion, conducting on-site audits and cross-checks to identify ‍cases of tax evasion.​ In a‌ recent⁣ announcement, the AADE revealed that over 48,000 on-site audits ⁣resulted in the discovery‌ of tax evasion amounting to more than €20 million, with fines of over €1.34 million imposed [[2]]. These efforts are crucial in ensuring that ‍taxpayers comply with ⁢their tax obligations and contribute to the revenue ⁢of the ‍state.


The cases of tax evasion uncovered by the AADE‍ are alarming and highlight the importance of vigilant tax authorities. The Greek government must continue to support ⁣the AADE’s efforts to combat tax evasion, ensuring that all taxpayers comply with their tax obligations.⁣ Only through collective action‍ can we create a fair and just tax system that benefits all citizens.



Note: The article is ⁤written based on the provided web search results and does not provide information on the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) as ‌it‍ is not relevant to the‌ topic of tax evasion. The article focuses on the Greek tax authority, AADE (Independent Authority for Public Revenue).

**Uncovering Tax Evasion: AADE Cracks Down on Professionals and Businesses**

Uncovering Tax Evasion: AADE Cracks Down on Professionals and Businesses

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has conducted cross-checks on 3.8 million declarations of taxpayers with incomes of up to 10,000 euros, revealing shocking cases of extreme tax evasion. Audits have identified professionals and businesses with huge turnovers who declare zero profits, virtually making them tax-free, with the exception of a nominal filing fee.

According to the findings, a professional with a gas station and a turnover of €509,300, who previously declared zero profits, will now be taxed €1,342.64 under the new taxation system, a significant increase from the €650 filing fee they previously paid. Similarly, a supermarket owner with a turnover of €1,344,306, who also declared zero profits, will now be taxed €5,271, an increase of €3,422.

Other examples include an entrepreneur with a PROPO agency, who declared zero profits despite a turnover of €69,379, and will now be taxed €3,566. A businessman with an optical store, who declared €9,973 in profits, will now be taxed €2,817, an increase of €2,167. An entrepreneur in the field of elevator maintenance repair, who declared €8,779 in profits, will now be taxed €2,549, an increase of €1,109. a doctor who declared €13,569 in profits, will now be taxed €3,306, an increase of €1,621.

These findings are a result of AADE’s efforts to combat tax evasion, which has been a major concern in Greece. The authority has been carrying out tax audits on freelancers [[2]]and has revealed €20 million in tax evasion in 48,000 on-site audits [[3]]. The audits are carried out over a period of five years, as the statute of limitations applies [[1]].

The new taxation system aims to ensure that professionals and businesses with significant turnovers contribute their fair share to the country’s revenue. The AADE’s efforts to crack down on tax evasion are crucial in promoting fairness and transparency in the tax system.

Source: newsbeast



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