Superfoods – the beauty boost from within

Have you heard of baobab, freekeh or maca? No? These are just three out of ten foods that should be on your shopping list from now on – they not only make you healthy, but also beautiful! presents the most important superfoods.

Superfoods are on everyone’s lips – in the truest sense of the word. Because with these foods you do something for yourself twice over. On the one hand they are super healthy, on the other hand beauty superfoods support beauty from within. It is not for nothing that the saying goes: You are what you eat!

Baobab – the fruit of the baobab tree

Baobab, the fruit of the African baobab tree, is full of healthy ingredients. Their meat contains large amounts of vitamins C and B6, iron and calcium and is good for digestion thanks to its fiber. New studies confirm that baobab moderates the rise in blood sugar following a meal. It is available at health food stores. It is also versatile, the fruit powder can be stirred into a wide variety of foods such as yoghurts, smoothies, muesli or puddings.

Even the Maya loved chia

Even the ancient Maya swore by their superpowers: The extremely nutritious and fiber-rich chia seeds are said to bind acids and toxins and thus ward off pathogens. It is now proven that their consumption slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, which is particularly good for diabetics because it keeps blood sugar levels constant. In addition, they are said to help with weight loss. Similar to baobab powder, they can be stirred into your favorite dishes or added to your breakfast porridge. Tip: If you have digestive problems, simply prepare chia seeds like flaxseed, boil with milk or water. By swelling in liquid, they increase their volume nine to twelve times and support digestion.

Freekeh tastes like brown rice

Freekeh is not new, but it is even less well-known than Chia. This healthy type of wheat has been known and eaten in Lebanon for thousands of years. The slightly greenish freekeh tastes similar to brown rice, but contains four times more protein and fiber than brown rice. Since the glycemic index is very low, Freekeh ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Soak the desired amount of Freekeh in hot water for 30 minutes, then strain through a sieve and serve as an alternative to rice or process further.

Kale or just green cabbage

Sounds hipper than kale, but it’s the same thing – and a lot healthier than we used to give grandma to believe. The cabbage is full of vitamins A, B and C, valuable secondary plant substances and minerals. Thanks to its high calcium content, kale is a perfect (and low-calorie!) alternative to milk for lactose-intolerant people. Fresh kale will be available to buy once more from around November. Winter vegetables are currently on a summer break. However, like spinach, it is also available deep-frozen. Either fry it or prepare it as a smoothie with other vegetables or fruit.

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Beauty-Superfood Maca aus Peru

Maca has been a traditional medicinal and food plant in its Peruvian homeland for 2000 years. There, the tuber or its cress-like tasting leaves are eaten up to three times a day. Maca is very healthy and has a high content of calcium, iron and essential amino acids and minerals. Their consumption is said to be good for the skin and act like an anti-aging care and lower the cholesterol level. In South America, the fresh maca tubers are baked in the oven. The young leaves can be used for seasoning like normal herbs or added to a salad. In the USA and Europe, maca powder has also proven itself as a natural sexual enhancer that is said to increase the desire for sex once more.

Acai berries are the fruit of the cabbage palm

The fruits of the South American cabbage palm contain many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. They provide the body with tons of antioxidants and are supposed to counteract premature skin aging and boost the metabolism, thus helping to lose weight. The only catch: In the dried, powdered state, as they are usually offered in this country, acai berries lose their positive properties. If you do discover fresh fruit in the grocery store, it is best to eat it immediately because it perishes quickly, or grab the juice right away.

Coconut flour as a superfood for a beauty boost

Ironically, the baking ingredient obtained from high-fat coconuts is the lower-calorie version of ordinary grain flour. During processing, the pulp is de-oiled, dried and then finely ground. What remains is a gluten- and cholesterol-free, low-fat and low-carbohydrate food that is suitable for rolls, bread, cakes, crepes and pastries of all kinds. Coconut flour is rich in fibre, smells wonderfully exotic of a beach holiday and tastes like it too.

The nutrient bomb Moringa

According to an Indian folk belief, the “miracle tree” Moringa is said to heal more than 300 diseases. Scientific studies at least show significantly improved blood sugar levels in diabetics and a positive influence on human cholesterol levels. Moringa leaves are real nutrient bombs, contain exorbitant amounts of vitamins A and C in addition to protein, four times as much calcium as milk and three times as much potassium as bananas. In Asia, the leaves are often prepared like spinach or as a smoothie. In Germany, Moringa has so far only been available as a powder, which is still very healthy. Drink it as a tea or use it to flavor your dishes – it tastes salty and slightly spicy.

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Raw chocolate as a beauty superfood

While those with a sweet tooth like to refer to the mood-enhancing, beautifying properties of chocolate, experts know that it only unfolds its praised positive qualities in the raw state. Before it is processed and heated with milk and sugar, the cocoa bean is a very vital substance-rich food that has a positive effect on the mood and blood count and regulates cell growth – which is noticeable not least with beautiful hair and skin. Despite its bad reputation, raw chocolate, i.e. one hundred percent raw cocoa mass, does not make you fat, the untreated version even curbs your appetite. It’s in the organic store.

Hemp oil good for skin diseases

Like other oils, hemp oil contains the antioxidant vitamin E and various highly effective phytochemicals. Hemp oil provides the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. The contained beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, gives it its golden shimmer and is also important for eye health. The gamma-linolenic acid contained in hemp oil has a positive effect on skin problems when applied externally, and is even said to alleviate diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis. Don’t worry, this is not hash oil. The seeds used for the hemp oil are free of intoxicants. Enjoy as a salad oil or simply pure on bread, hemp oil is also suitable for frying.



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