Super Radar: Porsche Taycan Speeding Incident in Montgomery Area

2023-12-27 10:04:00

At the end of last year, a radar flashed his Taycan at a speed of 113 km/h, while he was traveling along avenue de Tervueren in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre towards the Montgomery roundregarding, where the speed is limited to 50 .

This happened on December 3, 2022, a Saturday, and a patrol from the Montgomery area intercepted him a little further away. Bad luck, the fifty-year-old did not have his license with him.

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To take into account the technical margin of error, the 113 km/h had been reduced to 106.22 km/h. That is to say: always more than double the authorized speed. After such speeding in urban areas, the prosecution will not let you go: it is the guaranteed court.

Super radar

Three months later, the classic procedure continuing, the man with the Porsche was summoned to the police station for an interview which, watch in hand, did not last ten minutes. The Porsche driver had nothing to say. More precisely, he decided not to contest. He replied that he chose to express himself in French. The rest was in a few lines: “You are informing me of the facts that concern us. I am indeed the owner of the Porsche Taycan vehicle and I was the driver on December 3, 2022 around 1:37 p.m. in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre “Today I no longer have a clear memory of the events. I didn’t even see the flash go off.”

The famous Redflex

No wonder: this police zone uses Redflex NK7s, this model equipped with infrared technology thanks to which the radar does not trigger a light flash. The Montgomery area has been using them since 2018. At the time, they were significantly less expensive than its competitors on the market. The Belgian firm SecuRoad which markets them announced 40,000 euros each. It’s the kind of “super radar” that you can hide in a trash can or behind a window. In the present case, no challenge was possible on a technical level. The one who had served was certified in the rules and validated for two years.

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Twice distracted

In short, the man in the Taycan found himself in court for 106 km/h instead of 50 in an urban area, and “for driving without having a driving license”. Well framed by his lawyers, he did not try to play games, but pleaded distraction.

What he told the judge: “It must have been a distraction on my part and I apologize for that. I usually pay close attention to the speed limit. I admit to having committed this driving offence. I I didn’t have my driving license with me either. This is surely another effect of my distraction because I do have my license. I had forgotten it at home and you will see, if you do some research, that I am not the driver who regularly receives driving fines.”

This is what his advisors from the Hamid El Abouti cabinet pleaded. The judge listened to them.


To begin with, the driver who did not have his license with him is simply acquitted of the charge linked to the absence of a driving license.

As for 113 km/h – reduced to 106 – in zone 50, he risked up to 4,000 euros and five years of disqualification from driving, the minimum being 8 days.

When pronouncing the judgment, the police court expressed the hope that the driver in the future “will show amends”.

“For this purpose”, the court sentences him to 10 days of disqualification and a fine of 640 euros which the man with the Porsche will not pay in full, the judge granting him a partial reprieve.

In short, the man who drove twice too fast escapes having his driving license revoked.

And while he risked up to 4,000 euros and the judge imposed 640, the Porsche driver, thanks to the reprieve, will only pay 400 euros to which are added the usual costs, in particular the contribution to the Special Fund for Aid to Victims of acts of violence, of 305 euros.

Unexpected result for those who, in zone 50, were close to 110 km/h. At this speed, he would have had to brake 121 meters to avoid a sudden obstacle, more than a football field.

#Porsche #driver #flashed #kmh #zone #driver



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