Super Mario: he makes an epic and violent game under Unreal Engine 5, it’s worth the detour

Game News Super Mario: he makes an epic and violent game under Unreal Engine 5, it’s worth the detour

Published on 08/23/2022 at 09:33

Mario is arguably the most iconic character in video gaming and we’ve seen him from every angle before. But the ones in question today are worth a look and offer a unique perspective of the mustachioed plumber.

Grilled mushrooms

Oh Mario. True ancestor of the video game, the Nintendo mascot is on all fronts, or almost. Almost yes, because following taking us to the side of the platform, the board game, the kart, the golf, the football or even the arcade pure and hard in his doctor’s outfit, the mustache has never flowered with the PEGI 18.

Rather logical to tell the truth when you know Nintendo’s policy, but here is what necessarily arouses curiosity: a badass Mario with sprays of blood and realistic attacks, what might that look like?

A first element of the answer is given to us by Funkyzeit, an indie developer who dove into the Unreal Engine 5 to realize his vision: to make a Super Mario game for an adult audience, with graphic violence and a souls-esque vibe.

The most violent plumber around

The result is rather worth the detour: we see our Italian facing several Goombas, one he will simply burn alive and the other he will crush in a pool of blood. The fundamentals of Super Mario games are kept: we find the bricks in height, the pipes and a definitely threatening Bowser’s castle.

The video ends on a duel between a very angry Mario and a Bowser visibly in a bad positionpunctuated by epic music, a revisit of the main theme by Kenny S.

Let us also remember that the whole of this demo – even if very short – was made by a single developer under Unreal Engine 5, which once once more proves the flexibility and ease of use of the Epic Games engine. A project that we would have liked to try from A to Z!

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