Super Mario Bros. Wonder: The Game Inspired by the Super Mario Bros. Movie – Unleash the New Movements and Animations!

2023-10-24 04:29:01

Super Mario Bros. Wonder producer Takashi Tezuka revealed that Nintendo needs to raise more funds for the game. To give players the experience they saw in The Super Mario Bros. Movie The Super Mario Bros. Movie was an animated movie released earlier this year, and Nintendo wanted the Super Mario Bros. Wonder game to have it. Something similar to that movie. Especially the main character, Mario, caused Takashi Tezuka’s team to spend more time creating the game. Mario in Super Mario Bros. Wonder had new movements. To be similar to the gestures that many people have seen in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, including running, jumping, and small expressions, “Nintendo’s investment is normally spent on the gaming experience, but For Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the company has invested in animation as well, so that fans who have never seen the movie before can enjoy it. have had a similar experience,” said Takashi Tezuka. Super Mario Bros. Wonder is now available for purchase on Nintendo Switch. Source – NintendoEverything
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