Sunniva Gylver and Sturla Stålsett can become Veiteberg’s successors

Sunniva Gylver and Sturla Stålsett can become Veiteberg’s successors

Stålsett is the son of longtime Oslo bishop Gunnar Stålsett. He is a professor of diaconia, religion and society at the Theological Congregation Faculty in Oslo and has a liberal theological point of view.

Sunniva Gylver is a parish priest in Fagerborg and in the 1990s was a presenter in several lifestyle programs on TV. She has also published several books.

The other three remaining candidates are Professor Stephanie Dietrich at VID University of Applied Sciences, Provost of Nordre Follo Espen Andreas Hasle and Provost of Bærum Ingeborg Sommer.

Demanding position

49 candidates were originally proposed to take over Kari Veiteberg’s position. She has been bishop in Oslo since 2017.

– Being a bishop in Oslo is a demanding and important position for which there are many expectations. The nominated candidates have a wide range of experience and background and will be able to fulfill the role in a good way in various ways. We would like to congratulate the five on the nomination and wish them God’s blessing over the process, says Gard Sandaker-Nielsen, leader of the Oslo diocese council in a press release.

A bishop is a diocese’s supreme clerical leader and has supervisory responsibility for the diocese’s congregations, church employees and other employees.

Appointment in December

In connection with the search for a new bishop, Oslo Diocesan Council has published the criteria they will use. Among the criteria are good leadership skills, communication skills and “ability and desire to be visible and clearly convey the church’s message in the media”.

The Church Council is now taking over the process and will, according to plan, make the appointment in December.

Oslo bishop Kari Veiteberg announced earlier this year that she is resigning as bishop and returning to the Church’s City Mission to be a priest there. It is very rare for bishops to retire before retirement.

#Sunniva #Gylver #Sturla #Stålsett #Veitebergs #successors
2024-09-05 00:39:17



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