Sunburn: your beach outing was fatal, here are 12 natural remedies to relieve them

Too often sunburn is considered “not serious” by vacationers. However, it is indeed a burn that must be treated urgently. Here are some natural remedies to give you the best relief.

The thermometer is climbing, it’s time to enjoy the sun! Lounging on the terrace, at the beach, by the swimming pool… several options are available to you. On the other hand, beware of UV rays, even if summer has not yet officially arrived. In case of exposure without sunscreen, how to relieve a sunburn? Here are 10 natural remedies to soothe the pain.

1. Cold water

To relieve a sunburn, it is advisable to pass the burn under a jet of cold water. In case of blisters caused by sunburn, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice, details

2. Plain yogurt

If you don’t have Biafine at home but you have plain yogurt in your fridge, don’t hesitate: apply a thick layer of plain yogurt directly to the burnthen leave on for 15 minutes to calm the effects of overheating.

3. Melon

The blog of the miraculous indeed recalls that the melon contains vitamin A, perfect for calming inflammation. Before applying it, it is best to mix the fruit. Then put a cloth on the burn for fifteen minutes.

4. Aloe vera

It is a plant known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Aloe vera gel is applied directly to the burn. You can find it in pharmacies or organic stores.

5. Vinegar

Although the smell is not very pleasant, the pH of the vinegar helps to rebalance that of the skin while providing an intense feeling of freshness. Just mix it in a bowl with a little cold water before applying it to the burn with a compress.

6. Calendula oil

Calendula vegetable oil is perfect for regenerating the skin thanks to its carotene and vitamin A content. To maximize its effectiveness, leave the oil on your skin overnight. Avoid the eye area.

7. Brewer’s yeast

This last accelerates cell regeneration. It can be taken in tablets or flakes. Be careful though, brewer’s yeast helps hair growth, but also… body hair!

8. Clay

By making a clay poultice, you will get results very quickly. To do this, mix a little clay with water until a paste is obtained, then apply it directly to the burn. Wait at least two hours or leave overnight for optimal regeneration, then rinse with lukewarm water.

9. St. John’s wort oil

Known for its soothing properties, St. John’s wort oil can be applied directly to the skin or can be mixed with an essential oil to multiply the benefits.

10. Baking soda

This grandmother’s remedy is highly recommended to relieve the effects of sunburn. Pour a little baking soda in water, then soak compresses in order to apply them directly to the skin for 10 minutes

11. Lavender

This is a real anti-inflammatory and healing.

Instructions for use: place two handfuls of dried lavender flowers in a fine cloth and place this cloth at the bottom of the bathtub. Immerse yourself in it for 10 to 15 minutes. You can substitute dried lavender with true lavender essential oil. In this case, dilute 5 drops of HE in half a glass of powdered milk, pour everything into the water of this aromatic bath, stir well before diving in.

12. Honey

Honey stimulates the vascularization and cell multiplicationthus promoting wound healing.

Instructions for use: following relieving the pain under water, and cleaning the skin with a mild soap (without rubbing, especially!) apply a thin layer of honey (organic if possible) and cover with a sterile compress. Repeat daily for 2 or 3 days until the redness disappears.

How to recognize the seriousness of a sunburn?

  • If it’s just red and it’s pulling, it’s a first degree burn. In addition to avoiding new exposure to the sun and rehydrating, it is then a question of relieving the pain as best as possible.
  • If blisters (not to be pierced) or simple small bubbles appear on the skin, it is a 2nd degree burn, in which case they must not be pierced to avoid the risk of infection. Pass the skin under a continuous stream of cold water to cool the burn, take paracetamol and apply a Biafine-type cream to the sunburn. Let the skin “drink up” all this cream and renew the application.
  • If the blisters continue to spread or the skin remains red, consult the doctor. Ditto if you have a fever: sunburn can indeed be accompanied by heat stroke, details Top Health.



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