Sun Yang moved to live broadcast to bring goods! 15 million sold in 5 hours

Sun Yang moved to live broadcast to bring goods! 15 million sold in 5 hours

Former Olympic gold medalist and famous Chinese swimmer Sun Yang was suspended due to the suspension of the competition. He did not train or compete, so he moved to the “shopping mall”. He posted on the social platform yesterday “Facing the sea and meeting new challenges”, and then started live streaming. The goods occupied the first place in the list of goods in a short period of time, and sold 15 million yuan in sales within 5 hours.


Sun Yang posted on the social platform “Facing the sea and meeting new challenges”. (Sun Yang Weibo picture)

After trying live broadcasts on his 30th birthday, Sun Yang has broadcast live broadcasts on social media many times, but he usually shares his swimming training and daily life. Embark on the road of live streaming. Sun Yang in the live broadcast room wore a red sweater and looked very festive. During the live broadcast, Sun Yang had a good track record with the goods, and cooperated with the staff very well, not like a novice who brought goods for the first time.


(online picture)

As a sports star, Sun Yang’s popularity is not small. Some netizens also said humorously after seeing this behind the scenes, “He is so amazing, and he is also a good anchor”, “Sure enough, the end of the universe is live broadcast with goods… …”, and some netizens also said: “Sun Yang turned to live broadcast to bring goods. It seems that live broadcast is really profitable, but remember not to evade taxes!”

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