Summit of Rectors Mexico-Spain 2024 – CRUE

March 1, 2024

CRUE and the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions of Mexico (ANUIES) organize, together with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the next March 4 and 5the Mexico-Spain 2024 Summit of Rectors, under the motto “Higher education, inclusion and diversity”, in Mexico City. It can be followed live through this link.

This event, which also has the collaboration of the Colegio de México, Santander Universidades México, the Ateneo Español de México and the Embassy of Spain in Mexico, will bring together more than a hundred authorities from higher education institutions from both countries, among them which highlights the presence of 44 rectors.

During the two days, several work sessions will be held on various topics: higher education institutions as meeting spaces for Spain and Mexico, yesterday, today and tomorrow; lifelong education and new forms of learning; artificial intelligence, ethics and social responsibility of higher education; academic mobility and cultural cooperation between Mexico and Spain; and open science and social knowledge management.

The objective of the meeting is to search for a bilateral dialogue mechanism that allows designing, from the dimensions of university social responsibility, and based on institutional experiences and capacities, an Academic Cooperation Agenda between ANUIES and CRUE. At the close of the summit, a joint Declaration will be presented.

26 Spanish universities

The Spanish delegation at this summit is made up of a total of 26 universities and will be headed by the president of CRUE and rector of the Universitat Jaume I, Eva Alconwho will attend with several members of the association’s Governing Board, such as the vice president of CRUE and rector of the University of Zaragoza, José Antonio Mayoral; the vice president and rector of the CEU San Pablo University, Rosa Visiedo; the member and rector of the Pablo de Olavide University, Francisco Olivaand the delegate for Equality Policies and coordination of Next Generation funds and rector of the University of the Basque Country, Eva Ferreira.

The president of Crue-Internationalization and Cooperation and rector of the UNED will also participate, Ricardo Mairal; the president of Crue-Student Affairs and rector of the University of Huelva, Maria Antonia Pena; the president of Crue-General Secretariats and rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Antonio Lopez Diaz; and the president of Crue-Professor and rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Guard. Also attending is the coordinator of the University Financing Working Group and rector of the University of Alicante, Amparo Navarro.

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Likewise, the Spanish delegation is made up of the rector of the University of Almería, Jose Cespedes; the rector of the University of Cádiz, Casimiro Mantell; the rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, Joaquin Goyache; the rector of the University of Córdoba, Manuel Torralbo; the rector of the Francisco de Vitoria University, Daniel Now; the rector of the University of Granada, Pedro Mercado; the rector of the International University of Andalusia, José Ignacio García; the rector of the International University of Catalonia, Alfonso Mendiz; the rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Jose Capilla; the rector of the San Jorge University, Silvia Carrascal; the rector of the university of Seville, Miguel Angel Castro; the chancellor of the University of Valencia, Maria Vicenta Mestre; the rector of the University of Valladolid, Antonio Largo; and the rector of the International University of Valencia, Eva María Giner. Representing the rectors of the universities of León and Oviedo, their vice-chancellors for Internationalization attend the summit Roberto Baelo y Jesus Daniel Santosrespectively.

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