Summit of current and elected governors in San Martín with the Israeli ambassador

2023-08-08 03:49:00

The governor-elect of the province of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa, received yesterday in San Martín de los Andes the Israeli ambassador, Eyal Sela, to work on the planning of future collaboration agreements.

The governors of Neuquén and Chubut, Omar Gutiérrez and Mariano Arcioni, were also invited to participate in the meeting by Figueroa; and the governor-elect of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck.

For us it is important in terms of future planning and the work we can do together”Figueroa assured.

He announced that in the next few days they are going to make a trip to Israel, “specifically to link us in terms of irrigation technology, work in emergencies and safety”.

He highlighted the work they have been doing with the current governor, Omar Gutiérrez, “Because of the institutional sample, of maturity and of institutional hierarchy that we are carrying out, which is not usual in this country. We are very happy, because we also carry out the State policies that link us with other countries together”.

The ambassador was received at the Aviador Campos airport and then went to the synagogue of the Jewish community of San Martín. Later, he held a one-hour meeting with the provincial leaders at the Cotesma Historic House, where they exchanged experiences on the use of water in contexts of drought and citizen security; among others.

According to a press document issued by Figueroa, Eyal Sela said that they are working on issues such as the use of water, agriculture, security, “also thinking further, in the future, issues such as renewable energies that they do in this part and we are also doing it in Israel, and seek to increase the commercial exchange between our countries”.

Sela valued the production of the Patagonian provinces, and stressed that it is important to exchange experiences on water management, which can improve irrigation systems. “Youwe have different production times, that is why many products that are produced, such as fruits, in Israel are imported from here”, he recalled.

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Governor Omar Gutiérrez, for his part, highlighted that 35 technicians from the country are going to continue a trip that was made last year by governors of the country to Israel, of which there is a technician from the province of Neuquén who will travel in the first days of September.

“We have a lot to learn and a lot to develop related to irrigation, agriculture, and security as well; so I am grateful for this gesture of the invitation and to express to the Ambassador our commitment to continue coordinating actions together with the State of Israel”, he said.

The mayor of San Martín de los Andes, Carlos Saloniti; the elected mayor of Junín de los Andes, Luis Madueño; the former secretary of FEHGRA, Gustavo Fernández Capiet; authorities from the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and the San Martin Jewish Community; among others.

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