Summer school this year with fewer registrations

2023-07-02 05:58:00

In Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, the summer school starts on August 21st, in the other federal states on August 28th. The program again includes the repetition and consolidation of teaching content, preparation for final exams or the transition after the 4th or 8th grade and participation in student competitions. The subjects German, mathematics and general studies (primary school) or German, mathematics and English (secondary level 1, i.e. mainly AHS lower level and middle school) are taught in small groups of six to 15 children. At upper levels, the focus is on German, math, foreign languages ​​and type-forming objects.

As in previous years, student teachers and teaching staff are in action. This year, around 1,500 (2022: 1,400) students and 3,800 (2022: 4,600) teachers have registered – although according to the ministry, not all of the latter will be used. There are a total of around 830 summer school locations this year (2022: 1,100)

On the one hand, the student teachers get practical hours credited to their studies and around 32 euros per hour. Teachers can choose between receiving around 54 euros per hour or teaching one hour less in the coming school year.

“The school year is coming to an end and with it teachers and students all over Austria are starting their well-deserved holidays,” said Minister of Education Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) in a broadcast. “In addition to relaxation, the summer holidays offer time to deepen what you have learned and to make up for any learning deficits.” That’s what the summer school is for, but also the children’s university.

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The latter is intended to give children and young people a first taste of tertiary educational institutions in an easily accessible way. A total of 21 children’s and youth universities are being funded by the Ministry of Education this year, and 13 of them are also offering “holiday care with academic standards”.


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#Summer #school #year #registrations

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