“Summer Plan Success, 950,000 Students Involved” –

“About 950 thousand students involved, over 4,500 schools participated. We can say that the Summer Plan was a success. School is a point of reference for students and families even in the summer months”. These are the words of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, who will go to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii in the evening, on the occasion of the special edition of “Scuola Futura”. “The Summer Plan, for which we have allocated 400 million euros, to which are added 18 million euros of PCTO funds and approximately 80 million euros of PNRR funds, represents a concrete commitment by our Ministry to guarantee all students quality growth opportunities, even outside the traditional school year, and families concrete support during the summer months. The activities organized in Pompeii – Valditara declared – are an extraordinary example of how we can offer enriching training experiences, which help to bridge territorial gaps, to strengthen skills, to develop a healthy sociality, also meeting the work needs of families”.

We want a more inclusive school. The Valditara project

The Minister also highlights the importance of the active participation of institutions and local communities to carry out a wide range of activities, including creative workshops, sports, cultural and recreational experiences, remedial and enhancement courses, all aimed at supporting the growth of young people. Here are the numbers of the Summer Plan: 4,526 schools; 37,069 teaching and training modules requested by schools; 1,112,070 hours of training and additional teaching requested for the Summer Plan; approximately 800,000 students involved in training courses; 2,576 specific PCTO teaching modules abroad; 40,320 students involved in PCTO courses; approximately 110,000 students currently in training in the following PNRR courses: combating school dropout and overcoming territorial gaps for lower and upper secondary schools; STEM and orientation for primary and secondary schools; language skills for primary and secondary schools. Activities carried out: cultural awareness and expression: 21.9%; Sports: 18.7%; Personal, relational and social skills: 14.9%; STEM skills: 11.2%; Fighting school dropout, Italian, Foreign language, Coding and digital skills, PCTO abroad, Citizenship; Entrepreneurial skills. 41% of the projects involved schools in the South.

#Summer #Plan #Success #Students #Involved #Tempo
2024-07-24 22:23:52



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