2023-05-08 16:48:10
07:44 PM
Monday 08 May 2023
Books – Saber Najah:
The summer season is famous for a variety of useful fruits. Some people with GERD are wondering regarding the types that are safe for their health, to include them in the daily diet.
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In the following report, The Consulto reviews summer fruits that are allowed for GERD patients, according to Dr. Karim Jamal, a clinical nutritionist.
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Also read: Do you suffer from GERD? .. Here are the permitted and prohibited foods
Summer fruits useful for patients with esophageal reflux
1- Watermelon
It is a safe summer fruit for GERD patients, due to its low acidity. It also helps improve bowel movement and facilitate digestion, in addition to its role in maintaining body hydration.
2- Cantaloupe
GERD patients can eat melon without worrying regarding worsening symptoms, because it helps reduce stomach acidity, in addition to containing very important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, water, and antioxidants.
You may be interested: Which is better for the health of the body?.. A female doctor explains the benefits of watermelon and cantaloupe
3- Strawberry
Strawberries are distinguished by their high content of dietary fibers that are beneficial for the health of the digestive system. They are also non-acidic fruits, which makes them acceptable fruits for GERD patients.
4- Banana
Bananas contain a high percentage of potassium, which helps reduce stomach acidity in patients with GERD, in addition to being rich in pectin, a type of water-soluble dietary fiber that helps combat digestive disorders.
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5- Apricot
A rich source of fiber essential for a healthy digestive system, it also helps improve GERD symptoms, thanks to its ability to neutralize stomach acid.
Banned fruits for GERD patients
Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.
– kiwi.
– pineapple.
Also read: For acidity sufferers – a nutritionist: stay away from these fruits
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