Summer Construction Updates and Traffic Jams in the Province of Luxembourg

2023-08-09 13:54:00

Summer is not synonymous with vacation for everyone. With the good weather, even relative at the moment, the period is conducive to construction sites. And the province of Luxembourg is no exception to the rule.

On the E411

In stock. A bridge repair project in Stockem began at the beginning of August on the E411 and poses a lot of traffic jams. During this work, the right lane is closed to traffic in each direction for several hundred meters.

A situation that generates long queues in the direction of Brussels in particular. At rush hour, in the evening, the queues can reach the border post of Sterpenich, i.e. about ten kilometers of traffic jams. We will still have to be patient since the end of the project is scheduled for September 6.

A construction site that has an impact on the N4 where traffic is denser than usual. Motorists use this axis to avoid the Stockem construction site. The queues therefore also lengthen in the crossing of Martelange morning and evening. Same observation on the Luxembourg side, in Steinfort, a route taken as an alternative by many cross-border workers.

Verlaine Transine: Still on the E411, a project aimed at rehabilitating, over nearly 19 km, the traffic lanes between Verlaine and Transinne, in the direction of Namur only, began on August 8 with the gradual installation of its signaling until to August 16. The works themselves will start on August 16 and will affect both directions of traffic. The site will be divided into two phases, the first will extend from Libramont to Transinne.

In order to limit the impact on traffic, the operations will be organized in two phases. From mid-August until October 6, the work will be concentrated between interchanges no. 24 “Transinne” and no. 25 “Libramont-Chevigny”. Traffic will be one lane in each direction.

In the direction of Namur, users will be switched to the left lane usually welcoming traffic in the direction of Luxembourg.

Access to the E411 from the N89 via interchange no. 25 “Libramont-Chevigny” will be closed to traffic. A diversion will be set up via interchange no. 26 “Verlaine”.

In the direction of Luxembourg, users will drive on the right lane.

The second phase will begin in the spring of 2024 and should last approximately one month. It will extend between interchange no. 26 “Verlaine” and interchange no. 25 “Libramont-Chevigny”.

On the N81

weyler. This Tuesday, August 8, work to repair the surfaces of the N81 began at the Weyler roundabout. The works will allow the repair of the upper layers of the surfaces of the N81 at the height of the Weyler roundabout over a little more than one kilometer.

From Tuesday August 8 to Friday August 25, on the N81 near the works area, only one direction of traffic will remain possible, in the direction of Arlon. A lane will be maintained in the construction area. In the direction of interchange No. 32 “Weyler” of the E25-E411, diversions will be put in place via the N4 and N82.

On the N89

Beaubru-Noirfontaine. On Wednesday August 16, work will begin on the N89 and will aim to renew the road surfaces over a distance of approximately 4 km between Beaubru and Noirfontaine, towards Recogne.

Traffic will be one lane in both directions. HGVs will be asked to follow the diversion via the N83 and the N85. The end of the project is announced for September 18.

#construction #sites #complicate #mobility #province #Luxembourg

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