Summer 2024: Electricity and gas price reductions – Local News in Japan

Source : In conjunction with the implementation of electricity and gas fee subsidies for use in August, September, and October 2024, special approval has been granted to allow discounts on electricity and city gas fees. (METI)

The government has just granted special authorisation to provide discounts as part of gas and electricity price easing measures during the months of August, September and October 2024

July 29, 2024

In response to the request of electricity and gas suppliers, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has just approved exceptional measures for specific clauses (etc.) of retail supply. As a result, this allows for discounts on regulated retail tariffs for bills for the months of August, September and October. In addition, retailers, including new electricity and gas retailers, will be able to pass on discounts on their free tariffs.

1. Summary of content

The tariff support for electricity and gas bills is part of an “emergency support to overcome extreme heat” policy and consists of implementing tariff reductions based on the amount consumed during the months of August, September and October 2024.

In the tariff plans for city gas and electricity, the regulated retail tariffs will be set in accordance with the general conditions of supply, etc. approved by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Therefore, any implementation of reduced prices in regulated retail tariffs requires authorization/approval under conditions different from those stipulated in the general conditions of supply, etc. On this occasion, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry received applications from city gas and electricity retailers dated 17 and 18 July 2024.

METI has therefore verified the compliance of the content of their requests with the Electricity Trade Act and the Gas Trade Act and has recognised that it was necessary to provide exceptional measures to respond to them. It has therefore authorised/approved them today, taking into account the Electricity and Gas Trade Supervisory Committee.


This measure will allow to electricity and gas companies who have applied for continue to offer discounts off regulated retail rates.

In addition, companies will be able to still offer discounts on free fares. For these, operators can set without authorization/approval, provided that they, including new electricity and gas retailers, participate in the electricity and gas bill tariff support project.

2. Content of requests

For each company in point 3., the unit price per quantity consumed, calculated for gas and electricity bills (unit price for adjustment of the cost of fossil fuels, standard unit price or adjusted unit price) corresponds to the amounts calculated in accordance with the general conditions from which the amount in the table below has been subtracted.

Application periodElectricity (low voltage)Electricity (high voltage)Town gasUsage for August 2024 (meter reading in September)4.0 yen2.0 yen17.5 yenUsage for the month of September 2024 (meter reading in October).4.0 yen2.0 yen17.5 yenUsage for the month of October 2024 (meter reading in November).2.5 yen1.3 yen10.0 yen

3. List of electricity and gas suppliers who have submitted an application

(1) Reputable retail electricity suppliers (10 companies)

Hokkaido Electric Power Company
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. 4430001022351Tohoku Electric Power Company
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. 4370001011311Tokyo Electric Power Energy Partners
TEPCO Energy Partner Co., Ltd. 8010001166930Chubu Electric Power Miraiz
Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Ltd. 2180001135973Hokuriku Electric Power Co.
Hokuriku Electric Power Co., Inc. 7230001003022Kansai Electric Power Co.
Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.3120001059632Chugoku Electric Power Company
Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. 4240001006753Shikoku Electric Power Company
Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.9470001001933Kyushu Electric Power Company
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. 4290001007004Okinawa Electric Power Company
Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc. 3360001008565
Company Legal entity number

(2) Standard electricity transmission and distribution companies (10 companies)

Hokkaido Electric Power Network
Hokkaido Electric Power Network Co., Ltd. 7430001078663Tohoku Electric Power Network Incorporated
Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Ltd. 7370001044201Tokyo Electric Power Grid
TEPCO Power Grid Co., Inc.3010001166927Chubu Electric Power Grid
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Ltd.1180001135974Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Ltd. 4230001017826Kansai Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Kansai Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Ltd.6120001220018Chugoku Electric Power Network Company
Chugoku Electric Power Network Co., Ltd. 5240001054140Shikoku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Shikoku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Ltd. 8470001017344Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Ltd.6290001084768Okinawa Electric Power Company
Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc. 3360001008565
Company Legal entity number

(3) Companies known as gas retailers (1 company)

Toho Gas Co.
Seibu Gas Co., Ltd. 2180001022387
Company Legal entity number
Corporate Number

(4) Companies operating gas pipelines (2 companies)

Tokyo Gas Network Co. Tokyo Gas Network Co., Ltd.1010401159334Osaka Gas Network Co. Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.1120001236530
Company Legal entity number
Corporate Number

Related links to this topic

On the exceptional approval of the Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry

Today, the Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry granted special permission to four companies

  • NICHIGAS Corporation (Corporate Number 9010001061924),
  • Atami Gas Corporation (Corporate Number 5080101012519),
  • Keiyo Gas Corporation (Corporate Number 8040001026108),
  • Bushu Gaz Corporation (Corporate Number 7030001055496).

Similarly, the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry granted the same authorization to a company

  • Nankai Gas Corporation Nankai Gas Corporation Corporation Number 4340001010679.

These special authorizations allow these companies to offer discounts on regulated retail rates. Refer to the link below to read the press releases.

Kantō Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry 九州経済産業局

On the tariff support of electricity and gas bills

The tariff support for electricity and gas bills consists of a reduction in the amounts that can be seen directly on monthly bills. It will thus directly alleviate the burden on households and businesses in difficulty in the face of price variations.

Tariff support for electricity and gas bills / Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

Responsible departments

  • For tariff support of electricity and gas bills

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Electricity and Gas Business Department
Policy Division, Head of Institutional Planning and Coordination, Mr. Uematsu
Responsible: Seno, Miwa
Tél : (Standard) 03-3580-1511 (Extension 4737)
Courriel : bzl-denkigas-gekihenkanwa★
※ Replace ★ with @.

  • On the law on electricity trade

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Electricity and Gas Business Department
Head of the Energy Industry and Markets Bureau Chikushi
Responsible parties: Wada, Kaneko, Fukakasa.
Tél : (Standard) 03-3580-1511 (Extension 4741)
Courriel : bzl-seido-dennichi★
※ Replace ★ with @.

  • On the gas trade law

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Electricity and Gas Business Department
Head of Gas Market Development Bureau Fukuda
Responsible parties: Sugiura, Kawanishi.
Tél : (Standard) 03-3580-1511 (Extension 4751)
Courriel : bzl-gas-market★
※ Replace ★ with @.

Other useful links



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