Summary of the drama “Good” of “Doo Sanya” vs “Keng” of “Petch Khunphon”

It’s a hot topic in the world of Twitter ever following the actor “Phet Khunphon Thiensuwan”, who recently turned to full-time politics, has tweeted different opinions from celebrities. Senior MC ‘Du Sanya Kunakorn’

In which the story arose from the fact that “Du Sanya” previously gave an interview through the program ‘Thairath Talk Live’, while on Thairath TV Part of the content of the interview has been published and promoted on social media. Part of it says…

“…You must create good people. Because only good people will be accepted for every job done. Let’s say you’re at work. You’ll notice the saying, hey, this person is nice. That’s who you want to work with, want to be with, not because he’s smart. So I want to work with him. No, he’s good, but hey, bad habits. You want to be with good people.”

“Really, humans want to be with good people. But you’re trying to make everyone smart, if it’s yours, but the truth is, smart people aren’t 100 percent as desirable as good people.”

before the message ‘Society needs good people more than smart people – a comment from Du Sanya’ that will be spread through many online communities. especially in the world of Twitter and there were many different opinions

One of them is the side of “Petch Karonpol”, a former candidate from “The Progressive Party” stated that…”…I’d like to have a different opinion from Pee Du. Good people don’t have a meter. Today is good, tomorrow is bad. Good in front of the back. Very bad. That’s why we need talented people to come and work, to solve problems, and to create ways to detect both good and bad people, not to be corrupt, not to cause trouble to others.”

Not long following, the message received more than two hundred thousand views. More than 6,000 retweets

With many people in the online community, there are both supporters of such ideas and many others who disagree, for example, it would be great if there were both talented and good people, are you old and still can’t distinguish between good and evil?, What does it have to do with having to make others see themselves as good or bad? That’s what they call creating an image, being good and creating an image pretends to be a good person, it’s different, Khun Petch, have you never heard the teachings regarding the superstition (shame of sin)?

If you think like this, the country will be absolutely disastrous, what’s wrong with you guys with the word “good”? In this country, whoever can’t say this word has to constantly gossip regarding it. Examine both good and bad people, oh ok, good people, bad people, are they there or not, etc.

While on the side of “Joe Montani Tantisuk” radio-television presenter And the famous writer himself expressed his views on this matter as well, stating that in fact, “spin or spin” the myth that “goodness does not exist. goodness has no measure Goodness depends on the eye of the beholder” has been around for a long time, especially in the political circles of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The goal is to make young people hate everything, everyone, which is a sign of being a good person. There is only a concept that you do everything, just get the convenience of currency, which is easy to persuade and do bad things. of their own (Click to post



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