Sumar proposes Estrella Galán, general director of CEAR, as the head of the list for the Europeans | European elections | News

The proposal regarding his candidacy, which has already been communicated to the parties that are part of the coalition, comes just four days before the First Assembly of Sumar and when the leftist formation is negotiating the composition of the list for the June 9 elections. , which must integrate organizations as different as Izquierda Unida, Catalunya en Comú, Más Madrid and Compromís —which in the European Parliament are divided between the Left Group and the Greens—. In the first two cases, the candidates have already been chosen in their internal processes. The IU militancy has opted for the list of already MEP Manu Pineda, while the former parliamentarian Jaume Asens will be the main representative of the commons. All of these organizations aspire to occupy one of the first four positions on the ballot, those with the greatest chance of being elected in June. In the case of Compromís, for example, with the argument that they have not had any seats assigned to them in the Council of Ministers and should now be compensated. Negotiations will be closed in the coming weeks.

In the 2019 call, Unidas Podemos achieved six MEPs, but on this occasion, the left is divided. Ione Belarra’s party, which last December broke with Sumar in Congress, will present itself separately with Irene Montero as the head of the list. Galán’s profile, coming from social movements and working on an issue as sensitive as migration, could generate a consensus among the parties that make up Díaz’s party.

In a context of advance of the extreme right on the continent, which imposes an anti-immigration discourse, sources from the coalition have stated this Tuesday at the last minute that in the next elections the presence of a woman committed to “human rights” is “essential”. ” and with “a welcoming Europe.” Galán has mainly developed her professional career in the third sector, with more than 30 years of experience working for the defense of human rights, the right to asylum and the inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion and excluded. She has also been part of platforms such as the State Coordinator of NGOs for Development, the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants, the Platform of Social Action Organizations and EAPN-Spain, among others. In addition, she has participated on several occasions as a speaker in the LIBE Commission of the European Parliament and in various congresses and meetings of European institutions. She is also an author and collaborator in numerous articles, studies, reports and publications, as well as a teacher in different Master’s and University Postgraduate courses, according to training sources.

Among the refugee assistance organizations supported by the State, CEAR maintained a more combative profile under the leadership of Galán. She has been very critical of the European Pact on Migration and Asylum, one of the topics expected to be the hottest in the European Parliament, as well as the low recognition that Spain gives to refugees or the conditions in which applicants were overcrowded. asylum in Barajas.

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