Sumar: collective commitment to build a healthy, safe and drug-free Paraguay

Asuncion, IP Agency.- “The SUMAR Plan is not only a response from the Government of Paraguay to a critical problem, but also a call to society to unite in the fight against drugs,” said the Minister Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, Laura Belén Rolón, referring to the first actions that have been carried out since its implementation (January 2024) to attack this scourge at its roots.

As President Santiago Peña’s administration reaches its first year, the government’s achievements and actions in several areas, including the SUMAR plan, are highlighted.

The long-term objective is to strengthen national institutions to provide a coordinated and sustainable response over time, in order to reduce both supply and demand, and to build a healthier and safer society.

The National School and Student Games (JEEN) are part of the SUMAR plan. Photo SND.-

For this reason, “the participation of all sectors, from institutions to communities and families, is crucial for the success of this plan,” he emphasized, while pointing out that “SUMAR represents a collective commitment to build a safer, healthier and drug-free future for all Paraguayans.”

Coordinated work of institutions and civil society

Rolón explained that this plan brings together several institutions that work in a coordinated manner with civil society to carry out projects and programs aimed at preventing the consumption of psychoactive substances in children, adolescents, and young people; as well as the treatment and rehabilitation of people who suffer from addictions, and combating drug trafficking in the country.

Laura Belén Rolón, Minister Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic. Photo Courtesy.-

Although each institution carried out isolated actions within the limits of its powers to combat the drug problem, since the approval of the SUMAR Plan through decree No. 915/2023, inter-institutional efforts have been integrated and implemented progressively, in accordance with the planned actions.

The SUMAR plan is in the active implementation phase, developing several actions. In order to provide an adequate response to this problem, it is structured around three axes of direct attention: prevention, treatment and combating drug trafficking, in which several strategies are implemented.

Drug use prevention

Vy’a Renda Open Schools benefits 30,000 children and adolescents in the country. Photo MEC.-

Drug use prevention is carried out by promoting a culture of awareness and rejection of drug use, with the main focus being on children, adolescents, young people, families, communities and vulnerable groups. This axis carries out several actions:

  • “Open Schools – “Vy’a Renda”a program of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC), enabled in 200 educational institutions, benefits 30,000 students with inclusive activities that strengthen their comprehensive education through sports, artistic expressions, creative reading, robotics and science, chess and mathematics.

    Opening Horizons promotes artistic activities in communities in the interior of the country. Photo SNC.-

  • “Opening Horizons”, project of the National Secretariat of Culture (SNC) that seeks to strengthen and support communities in the interior of the country, responding to local experiences and needs. It promotes artistic activities as tools for healthy, playful learning, rooted in values. Participants 165 children, adolescents, young people and adultsin Vallemí, department of Concepcion; and Hernandarias, Upper Parana.
  • “Young Dance” of the SNC promotes the exercise of cultural rights and is characterized by its inclusive approach, collaborating with education through art, the dissemination of culture, and access to artistic manifestations from the State; reaching 2000 students, 150 parents and 40 teachers of Asuncion, Central and Caazapá.

    JUPY is part of the SUMAR plan. Photo SND.-

  • The National Sports Secretariat (SND) with the support of other institutions organizes the National School and Student Games (JEEN)reaching 90,000 children and adolescentsfrom 222 locations in the country. And since this year, the Paraguayan University Games (JUPY)a 5,000 studentsfrom 39 districts.
  • The Ministry of Justice (MJ) and the National Secretariat of Sports (SND) for the care of persons deprived of liberty (PPL) and within the framework of the SUMAR Plan carry out “football and volleyball tournaments”, 630 PPL participating from February to August in seven penitentiary centers.
  • Las “Sports Schools” of the SND brings together 11,548 children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years old, in various sports disciplines, and which includes vulnerable areas such as Cateura and Barrio San Francisco.
  • Training in Prevention and Leadership

  • The National Youth Secretariat (SNJ) promotes a series of Talks on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence to young people in the country, with a reach of 1075 students from Alto Paraná and Itapúa. It is projected to reach all 17 departments.

Treatment and rehabilitation

The treatment and rehabilitation of users for social reintegration provides comprehensive support to improve the mental health conditions of those affected by problematic drug use, facilitating their recovery and promoting effective social reintegration through various health establishments.

The Ministry of Public Health provides Primary Health Care in addictions and mental health. Photo MSPyBS.-

Fighting drug trafficking

The National Police and Senad fight micro-trafficking. Photo Senad.-

The strengthening of security is promoted with the aim of reducing the supply of drugs in the national territory and dismantling the criminal organizations responsible, mainly focused on combating micro-trafficking.

Operations to reduce drug supply are mainly focused on combating micro-trafficking. In this regard, from January 1 to August 7, 2024, significant results have been achieved:

* Regarding Operational carried out, 687 were carried out by the National Police, and 773 by the Senad, totaling 1460; las Arrests300 for the PN and 204 for Senad, total 504.

The Youth Secretariat started a series of talks for young people on leadership. Photo SNJ.-

* Marijuana (kilos) PN 40,204, Senad 717,097, totaling 757,301; marijuana plantations (hectares) PN 587, Senate 1700, total 2287. Cocaine (kilos) PN 1434, Senate 5021, and total 6455. Ecstasy Senad 108,713 doses; LSDSenad 131 doses.

* Economic Losses (US$) PN 37,515,115, Senad 21,343,903, totaling 58,659,018.

Communication and dissemination

SUMAR Plan website

To reach a larger population, the SUMAR Plan incorporates mass communication and awareness-raising strategies through traditional and digital media. Educational and preventive programs are being implemented in schools, communities, and workplaces; in addition to promoting the participation of civil society.

The SUMAR plan section was incorporated into the IP Agency with updated news on the actions promoted by the three axes and the different institutions

Virtual platforms and training programs are also being created for teachers, students, families and communities to ensure a broad and effective dissemination of the plan. More information can be accessed through the web

#Sumar #collective #commitment #build #healthy #safe #drugfree #Paraguay
2024-08-17 15:29:41



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