Mumbai: Actress Jacqueline Fernandez’s assets worth Rs 7.27 crore have been seized by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a financial fraud case. Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s case: ED’s action in connection with Rs 200 crore financial fraud case.
7.12 crore fixed investment and Rs. 15 lakh given by Sukesh to a screenwriter for the actress. കണ്ടുകെട്ടിയത്.
Enforcement had found that Sukesh had handed over Rs 5.71 crore to Jacqueline out of the Rs 200 crore snatched from Ranbaxy owner Shivinder Singh. Following Sukesh’s arrest in a financial fraud case, the investigation team received information regarding his relationship with Jacqueline Fernandez.
The investigation also revealed that Sukesh had given money and valuable gifts to Jacqueline. Sukesh’s wife and model Lena Maria Paul was also arrested in the case.
Sukesh swindled Rs 200 crore by promising bail to jailed Shivinder Singh. The case was registered on the complaint of Shivinder’s wife Aditi Singh.