Suicide week in Lebanon.. 5 frustrated people put an end to their lives

With the monetary crisis in Lebanon entering its fourth year, the deteriorating economic situation has worsened, and the Lebanese society is experiencing an unprecedented social crisis, which has taken a dramatic turn during the past few days, with an increase in suicides, especially among young people.

Lebanon’s suffering from a difficult economic situation, which translated into four cases of suicide of young people in the first week of March, in addition to the suicide of a fifth well-to-do person, who ended his life because of his inability to obtain his money deposited in the bank, and the loss of a large part of its value, while the number of people reached Those who committed suicide in January 2023 amounted to 11 people.


Melhem Khalaf, a member of the Lebanese parliament, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that people in Lebanon are in danger today, and that the situation has become unbearable, with the country reaching a difficult place, noting that the “suicide scene” has been repeated in recent days, Evidence of the extent of the oppression that the people are subjected to, from the repercussions of not addressing the exchange rate slippage, and its reflection on the prices of bread, medicine, transportation, electricity, water, and schools.

Pricing of commodities in Lebanon in dollars… the final nail in the lira’s coffin

According to Khalaf, the Lebanese people are crying out for oppression, pointing out that Hussein Marwa, Musa Al-Shami and Ali Abu Hamdan are three suicide victims in one week due to the living situation, as they were joined today by the young Muhammad Ibrahim, who also committed suicide, which indicates that the people He no longer has the luxury of waiting and is unable to bear more, calling on all 128 deputies in Lebanon to come to parliament and elect a president for the republic, which contributes to the regularity of public life in the country.

Khalaf asserts that the failure of the Lebanese deputies to attend parliament to elect a president contributes to deepening the crises and increases people’s misery and despair and leads them to death, pointing out that stopping the scene of this mass suicide is through electing a president, as an entry point to forming a government that addresses the pain of the people, and therefore what is required of the deputies is, Saving the situation before all the people commit suicide, because this is their responsibility.

picket weapon

Khalaf explains that his step, along with Representative Najat Saliba, to sit in Parliament, since January 19, 2023, was aimed at urging the deputies to elect a new president, and to warn that the Lebanese people are in pain, once once more calling on his fellow deputies to save the oppressed people from death.

Lebanon relies on the dollar in pricing commodities instead of the pound

For her part, Dr. Ghada Hawari, a specialist in psychology, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that there are several factors behind the high rate of suicides in Lebanon in the past days, including the hopeless economic situation, as she said, referring to The presence of a large number of people who suffer from a decrease in the value of their salaries in lira, with the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar, as they moved from the middle class to the poor class, which negatively affected their standard of living.

Factors causing psychological crises

Hawari adds that the poor psychological condition of the parents, the high rate of domestic violence, and divorce cases due to the economic situation, in addition to the loss of many breadwinners for their jobs, and the lack of job opportunities, are all factors that created dispersal in families, and caused psychological crises among young people, pointing out that all These elements play a negative role in driving the individual to decide to commit suicide.

According to Hawari, there are a number of people who were receiving psychological treatment, but they stopped taking nerve medications because of their high price, noting that sudden cessation of nerve medication leads to psychological deterioration, following the brain stops sorting out the hormone of happiness.



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