2023-08-11 09:16:00
About 11,658 new cases of liver cancer were diagnosed in France in 2023, according to the National Cancer Institute. This pathology is generally due to the evolution of a chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis or hepatitis B or C. It rarely occurs on a healthy liver. And sodas just seem to be an enemy of the organ.
Sugary drinks, a risk factor for liver cancer in postmenopausal women
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)postmenopausal women who consume at least one sugary soft drink or fruit drink per day have a significantly higher risk of liver cancer compared to patients who drink three or fewer sugary drinks per month.
To reach this conclusion, the American researchers recruited 98,786 women aged 50 to 79. The latter participated in the Women’s Health Initiative from 1993 to 1998 and were followed until March 2020.
During the work, the participants answered various questionnaires on their consumption of sugary drinks such as soft drinks or fruit drinks. Three years following the work began, the follow-up survey included a question regarding their consumption of artificially sweetened beverages such as soda.
Frequent consumption of sodas: a 1.75 times higher risk of liver cancer
After 21 years of follow-up, 207 volunteers developed liver cancer. Among them, 7% consumed at least one sugary drink per day and 13% consumed one or more sodas per day.
According to the results, postmenopausal women who drank at least one sugary or fruity soft drink a day were 1.75 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer. They were also 2.5 times more likely to die from chronic liver disease compared to participants who drank fewer than three of these beverages per month.
However, the scientists point out that no causal link between liver problems and soda consumption can be established with the data collected. Further work is needed to confirm them.
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