Sugar: Crooked trader caught –

In its quest to shed light on unfair practices and other dysfunctions in the sugar distribution and sales channels, which are the cause of the surge in prices of this consumer product, an economic operator in the sector was caught red-handed withholding large quantities of sugar in its warehouses by the General Directorate of Commerce, with the aim of creating a shortage on the market and encouraging price speculation.

Accompanied by National Police officers, inspectors from the General Directorate of Commerce (DGC) carried out a rigorous inspection in the Lalala area on the right, in the 5th district of Libreville, where they discovered a large stock of hidden sugar in the warehouses of a wholesaler.

View of one of the DGC inspection and verification teams ©

“After being reported, we came to question this gentleman to find out if he still had sugar in his stocks. He told us that he didn’t have any, but following the investigation, we discovered another warehouse at the back with a large stock of sugar. We decided to seize these quantities and draw up a report for an offence against this economic operator who claimed to be unaware of the existence of all this sugar in his warehouse.” explained, Ghislain Bayimbi Ella, Inspector Verifier of the DGC.

The General Directorate of Commerce (DGC) has intensified its operations to verify the sugar distribution circuit in Greater Libreville. This initiative, which began on July 31, aims to counter the voluntary retention of sugar shipments, which leads to a steep rise in the prices of this consumer product.

The economic operator’s warehouse was sealed for concealment of product and bad faith. This operation, described as ” punch “shows the authorities’ determination to put an end to illegal practices that harm the economy and consumers. “We will continue our inspections and will not hesitate to apply the necessary sanctions to ensure transparency and fairness in the market.” hammered the Inspector Verifier.

The ongoing operation reveals unorthodox practices by certain players in the sugar industry, which consist of deliberately creating shortages in order to increase the price of a kilogram of sugar on the market. “We will do everything to meet the expectations of the President of the Republic, who wants people to be able to buy basic necessities at a lower cost. This is an instruction that will not tolerate any objection.” said Jerry Mackanga Bindza, Director of Inspection and Litigation at the DGC.

The verification and inspection operations of the General Directorate of Commerce aim to ensure fair and accessible distribution of sugar throughout Greater Libreville.

Feodora Madiba

2024-08-03 14:33:12
#Sugar #Crooked #trader #caught



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