Sufficient supply of petrol for retail stores in all situations

2023-04-29 10:37:29

Mr. Nguyen Hong Dien, Minister of Industry and Trade requested petroleum wholesalers in all situations to supply enough goods to retail stores in their distribution system to maintain regular sales activities. .

Assessing the situation of petroleum supply over the past time, Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien said that from the end of 2022 until now, the domestic petroleum market has been quite stable, the supply is relatively abundant. Abundant, reasonable prices, basically following world prices.

“With the current mechanism, the inter-Ministry of Industry and Trade – Finance has coordinated and managed relatively effectively; The business system from key enterprises, distributors, and petrol and oil retail stores operates better and more stably,” said the Minister.

However, in the face of unpredictable movements of the world market, along with the trend of recovering the country’s economic growth momentum in the coming time, it is necessary for the authorities to have strong and feasible solutions to ensure sufficient supply for the market in all situations.

Leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Trade also frankly pointed out that the domestic supply is still passive, because the operation of Nghi Son Refinery is unstable at times, affecting the initiative of petroleum supply in the future. water.

The key businesses do not let a shortage of petrol and oil occur at the retail stores in the system

Regarding the supply of imported petrol and oil from abroad, a number of key enterprises have not yet fulfilled the assigned amount and have not fulfilled their obligations to their distribution system. Moreover, the petroleum trading system in general still faces many difficulties, especially in accessing credit capital, while this is a strategic commodity, it needs its own mechanism.

In order to ensure the domestic petroleum supply in 2023, Minister Nguyen Hong Dien requested the Domestic Market Department to closely monitor the implementation of the minimum total petroleum source in 2023 by the main petrol and oil traders; in case of necessity, promptly advise the leadership of the Ministry to consider and assign additional import quotas of petrol and oil to a number of capable key traders to proactively implement and ensure supply in all situations;

Mr. Dien also requested the General Department of Market Management to continue strictly implementing the directives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on strengthening inspection and handling of violations in the petroleum business.

For key enterprises, the Minister of Industry and Trade requested to strictly and fully implement the minimum total resources assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade at the beginning of the year (both in terms of quantity and type) to ensure the supply of goods and services. continuously supply gasoline to customers;

Enterprises must proactively source goods in all situations (both domestic and imported); pay close attention to closely monitor the situation of domestic supply to proactively import appropriately (import early, in sufficient quantity, in the right category), to ensure sufficient supply for the domestic market in the coming time;

Absolutely do not interrupt the supply in the business system (from wholesalers, distributors, retailers). In all cases, enough goods must be supplied to the retail stores of the enterprise’s distribution system to maintain regular sales activities.

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