Suffering from a stroke in the summer, he is now at Mandic for rehabilitation: ”competence and humanity here”

”My life changed in just a few minutes. What I experienced was tough and the journey will still be long, but here I feel protected. I found a professionally trained staff with great humanity”. These are the words that Luigi V., an entrepreneur with activities in the Casatese area, wanted to say from a bed in the department of Specialist Rehabilitation at theSan Leopoldo Mandic Hospitala facility in Merate where he has been hospitalized for three weeks following the stroke that struck him on August 16th.
In a moment of absolute normality, while he was in his working habitat, the man suffered a sudden illness which forced him to emergency hospitalization at the Manzoni Hospital in Lecco. Arriving at the Germanedo garrison on board an ambulance, which left Barzanò with sirens blaring, he was immediately subjected to a complex operation that lasted three hours, and was then hospitalized at the Neuroscience Department, under the constant monitoring of doctors.

”Those who know me can testify to this: I am a person who has always pushed forward in the face of problems and difficulties, without ever giving up. On several occasions I have also done my best for others and more generally in volunteering. This time, however, I felt disarmed, without the possibility, suddenly, of moving my left arm and left leg. I couldn’t even swallow. It was really hard and I won’t deny that I was scared” said the entrepreneur, who thanked the Manzoni team.
After an initial period spent at the Lecco hospital, Luigi V. then arrived at the Mandic in Merate for the path aimed at rehabilitation. And it was precisely from this experience that the patient requested an article in our newspaper, to highlight the preparation and humanity that for several weeks now he has been able to appreciate in the daily life spent in the ward.
”We know what the problems of this garrison are, but there are also some excellences that should be highlighted. To date, I have had the opportunity to get to know all the staff who work here: doctors, nurses, health professionals and physiotherapists: none of them have ever denied me a smile. There is great empathy, as well as professionalism, and after all the suffering I have been through recently this is more important than ever. Their warmth made the difference” continued the entrepreneur. ”Here I feel protected. The road for me is still long, I know I can do it but it will be tiring and today I honestly don’t set any goals for myself. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those who are giving me help also from a human point of view: doing so during and not after seems to me to be an important signal” he concluded, with a thought addressed to the head physician Dr. Pietro Tavani and his staff. ”I won’t mention any other names because I would risk forgetting someone: I therefore extend everything to the staff, this thanks. Their daily smile is as important as the therapy”.




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