Suez Preparatory Certificate Results 2023/2024: Success Rate, Top Performers and Exam Applicants

2024-02-01 09:48:00

Suez – Sabry Ghanem Thursday, February 01, 2024 11:48 AM Published by Youm7 Link to the results of the preparatory certificate in Suez.. by name and seat number, following the results were approved by Major General Abdel Majeed Saqr, Governor of Suez, for the first semester of the current academic year 2023/2024, with a success rate of 83.5%.

Major General Saqr congratulated the students who succeeded in the first semester of the preparatory certificate, and asked those in charge of the educational process to exert more effort during the new academic year. He called on the students to exert all efforts and diligence and acquire knowledge to succeed and obtain higher grades, and to exploit the summer vacation for education and knowledge.

Saqr Ali, Director of the Directorate of Education, emphasized that the top performers in each educational stage within each school will be honored at the beginning of the second half of the current academic year as an incentive for students to encourage them to maintain success and excellence.

The number of applicants for the exam was: Junior certificate There are 14,322 students in Suez schools. The success rate in vocational schools was 100%, 100% in schools for the blind, and 93.33% in schools for the deaf.

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