Sudan: The appointment of the US ambassador is a turning point in relations

Asmaa Al-Hussaini (Khartoum)

The Sudanese Foreign Minister-designate, Ambassador Ali Al-Sadiq, affirmed yesterday that the appointment of US Ambassador John Godfrey in Khartoum is a major turning point in the relations between the two countries. Al-Sadiq said that the US embassy can play a major role in strengthening relations and in supporting the democratic transition in Sudan.
For his part, the new US ambassador to Sudan, who is considered the first US ambassador to Sudan in nearly 25 years, stressed the importance of forming a civilian-led government to advance Sudan’s transition to democracy.
During his meeting yesterday with the Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Godfrey said that it is more important than ever to make progress in forming a new civilian-led government, and that this is a key step to unleashing more US and international development assistance to Sudan, which can help improve the Sudanese economy.
This comes as torrential rains and floods continued across Sudan, causing many damages, as the Gezira state announced that the torrents destroyed more than 160 villages in the most affected state, and the Madani Al-Manaqil road was cut off in the same state, and the torrents swept a number of villages west and east of the partner administrative unit in Abu Hamad locality. North of SUDAN.
Lieutenant-General Othman Atta, Director of the General Department of Civil Defense in Sudan, said that they noticed the appearance of crocodiles in the Nile in the locality of Jabal Al-Awliya, and called on the residents to take precautions and to report immediately in the event of any predatory animals appearing.
Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Malha locality in North Darfur state, announced that heavy rains and winds caused the destruction of 85 farms in Wadi Akhdar area, which were the only supplier of agricultural products from food grains and vegetables to the region.
In addition, the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued decisions according to which the Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration, Lieutenant-General Munawwar Othman Naqd, and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Training Lieutenant General Abdullah Al-Bashir Ahmed Al-Sadiq were promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant-General and dismissed them. and refer them to retirement pension.
The decisions stipulated the exemption of the Commander of the Land Forces, Lieutenant-General Essam Muhammad Hassan Karrar, and his retirement with a pension; Major General Ahmed Omar Shanan is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General and referred to retirement with a pension.
The decisions included promotions to the rank of the team as follows: Major General Rashad Abdul Hamid Ismail and his appointment as Commander of the Land Forces, Major General Abdul Mahmoud Hammad Hussein Ajami, Major General Nasr Al-Din Abdul Qayyum Ahmed Ali, and Major General Mubarak Koti Kajour Kamtor and his appointment as Inspector General of the Armed Forces.
Al-Burhan also issued a decision to restructure the General Staff, headed by Lieutenant-General Muhammad Othman Al-Hussein Al-Hassan, and Lieutenant-General Majdi Ibrahim Othman Khalil as Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics.

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