Sudan.. Political forces laying down a road map for the transitional period

A group of Sudanese political forces and public figures announced the formation of a national bloc, and the preparation of a political declaration that serves as a road map for completing the transitional phase, which includes the formation of a political body from all segments of Sudanese society tasked with choosing the consensual prime minister, the two cabinets, the sovereignty and the transitional parliament.

This came in a press conference held today by a number of representatives of the Sudanese political forces, at the end of the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue workshop hosted by Egypt and held under the slogan “Prospects for Democratic Transformation towards a Sudan that is inclusive of all.”

The head of the Ummah of Reform and Renewal Party, Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, said that Egypt, by hosting this meeting, has achieved a quantum leap in the Sudanese arena.

He added: Now in Cairo, there is a unified bloc with one agreement on all issues that represents a large part of the Sudanese people. Al-Mahdi said that Egypt has put the Sudanese issue at an end and brought it close to a solution.

Mubarak Al-Fadil added: We do not disagree with our brothers in the coalition of the Declaration of Freedom and Change – the Central Council, on the tasks of the transitional period and that there be an independent transitional government of expertise, but the disagreement is regarding their canceling the constitutional document in the last framework agreement that they contributed to developing in 2019. And to go to draft a new constitution, but they did not reach anything.

He continued, saying: The next step is to sit with the military component, the international quartet mechanism, and the mediators, so that we discuss the process of forming the government, and for the brothers to come in the Declaration of Freedom and Change – the Central Council in order to choose the constituent body that was agreed upon in the document today and in charge of forming the government and other institutions.

And he stressed that no one is authorized to rule in the transitional period, but rather we must work and assign a transitional authority from among the people of experience to conduct the elections.

For his part, the representative of the Democratic Bloc, Abdel-Razek Asher, said that the workshop today produced papers on constitutional arrangements, institutional reform, peace, eastern Sudan issues, the removal of the empowerment of the former regime, money recovery, youth and revolution issues, transitional justice, the emergency program for the transitional period and the structures of the transitional period.

He said that today’s document calls for the establishment of a transitional body whose members will be 60 percent of the participants in today’s dialogue and representation of youth, women and groups of the Sudanese people, provided that this body chooses the prime minister, the cabinet, the sovereignty and the transitional legislative council.

The leader of the Forces for Freedom and Change, the Democratic Bloc, Mubarak Ardol, said that the document did not specify specific names as a candidate for the position of prime minister.

He added that the document proposed a position for a deputy prime minister, for the number of ministers to be 25, and for a national unity government consisting of competencies without partisan divisions.

Ali Askouri of the Democratic Bloc thanked Egypt for hosting this dialogue, and said that the UN mission had deviated from its course and abandoned its role, to become biased towards part of the political forces.

He said we welcome the role of Egypt and the neighboring countries because they are more familiar with the conditions of Sudan, and historically the relations between Egypt and Sudan are deeply rooted, and we see that the neighboring countries have a role in helping the Sudanese, to sit with each other.

Mirghani Musa, the former Sudanese Minister of Transport and a member of the Democratic Bloc, thanked Egypt, and said that the issue of eastern Sudan, since the days of independence, had not been understood, despite the importance of its geographical location.

He said, “We tried to explain the complexities of the process and how to extract this region from the inherited problems of marginalization and underdevelopment, especially with regard to issues of education and resources.”

He added, “Those who will sign the political declaration are blocs that have agreed on basic principles, which is a roadmap for resolving the Sudanese crisis, and the goal is to reach a democratic Sudan through free and fair elections.”

Mona Arko Minawi, head of the Sudan Liberation Movement, the Democratic Bloc and the governor of Darfur, said, “We have focused on calling for Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, because this is the only way out for Sudan.”

Al-Nazir Turk, head of the independent glasses for eastern Sudan and a member of the Democratic Bloc, said that during mass meetings in eastern Sudan in the past, we asked Egypt to intervene, and when the Egyptian envoy came, we asked for the same request.

He added, when we removed the former regime, we wanted to live in peace, freedom and democracy, but the magic turned once morest the magician, as there is a group that turned once morest us, with the support of those who call themselves a triple or quadruple mechanism.

He added that we came to Egypt following the land in Sudan became narrow for us, because there is a group that clings to power with the support of certain countries, stressing their rejection of the recent framework agreement.



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