2023-04-30 16:55:48

For more than 15 days, Sudan has been in a civil war between the army and the RSF paramilitaries, a conflict that has forced around 50,000 Sudanese to move to safer areas of the country or to take refuge in neighboring nations. such as South Sudan, Egypt or Chad, which has already caused around 530 deaths and more than 4,500 injuries.

Ohe fighting that began on a large scale two weeks ago followed weeks of tension over the reform of the security forces in the negotiations for the formation of a new transitional government, and between the army of general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the RSF , loyal to General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, known as “Hemedti”.

Both forces were behind the joint coup d’état that overthrew Sudan’s transitional executive in October 2021.

In August 2008, Omar al-Bashir, the “democratic” president of Sudan, responsible for the genocide in Darfur (something like 300,000 dead), wrote to his Angolan counterpart, José Eduardo dos Santos, asking for help from Luanda (from Government, of the MPLA, whatever) so that initiatives aimed at putting into practice the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) once morest him were suspended.

It was nice that Omar al-Bashir asked his counterpart and friend, leader of the MPLA and, at the time, owner of Angola for help, who did not hold back on efforts so that the president of Sudan continued to kill, sorry, to save thousands of people in Darfur.

The request was made in a letter delivered by the Sudanese Minister of Tourism, Joseph Dong. Due to the usual philanthropy and humanism of Eduardo dos Santos, even though he did not have, like his successor, João Lourenço, the “diploma” of “peace champion”, it was not difficult to calculate that the Sudanese president would continue to have the support of the MPLA/Government.

Even because, let’s face it, there is a huge exaggeration when it is said that in Darfur 300 thousand people died. Independent data, likely even to be organized by a team appointed by the MPLA, will certainly reveal that the death toll did not exceed 299,999. Therefore…

“Sudan’s enemies know that our president will win the elections and that is a reason for them to work once morest peace and tranquility in our country”, asserted the Sudanese minister.

Where and when have we all heard something similar? Where? In Angola. When? In 1992, for example.

In line with the need to protect the good guys, the African Union asked the UN Security Council to suspend the judicial process opened by the ICC once morest the Sudanese president, so as not to compromise the peace process in Sudan. See how cool this is all?

The then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, also expressed some reservations regarding the arrest warrant, fearing that it would jeopardize UN peace efforts in the region.

There’s no doubt. Just as in Angola there were (and continue to be) Angolans and, in the words of the then Defense Minister, Kundy Paihama, kwachas; in africa there are first class africans and the kwachas from there. Hence the UN, Germany, Russia, China and a few more undercover continued to support the candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize who goes by the name of Omar al-Bashir.

Arabs and Other Mobs

NAt the time, the 21st Arab summit, which took place in Doha, rejected the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) once morest the Sudanese president, Omar el-Bashir, according to the final Declaration read by the secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Moussa.

Is that so. War crimes and crimes once morest humanity in Darfur? More than 300 thousand dead? None of that. It is all, as Muammar Gaddafi, then acting president of the African Union, said, the work of “a new form of world terrorism” which goes by the name of the ICC.

“We underline our solidarity with Sudan and our rejection of the ICC rulings once morest President Omar el-Bashir and support the unity of Sudan,” the Arab League text said. Addressing his peers, Omar el-Bashir hailed “the support for Sudan and the rejection of unfair decisions” by the ICC.

“I promise to do everything to achieve stability and peace throughout Sudanese territory”, added the president, certainly convinced that in Darfur there were still thousands more waiting to be killed.

At that time, the African Union asked its member countries and the United Nations to release the necessary funds for the new phase of the peace plan for Darfur, which provided for the deployment of 3,000 men to Sudanese territory.

But what does it matter. They are black and, therefore, the international community (USA, Europe, UN) can sleep well. Sleep and have at least three meals a day in the best hotels in the civilized world.

The then UN High Commissioner for Refugees (today its Secretary General), António Guterres, stated that in Darfur there was a humanitarian “catastrophe”. “Hundreds of people continue to die in the relentless violence and thousands are being forced from their homes. If things do not improve, we are heading for a catastrophe of major proportions”, wrote the head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

But what does it matter. They are black and, therefore, the international community (USA, Europe, UN) can sleep well. Sleep and have at least three meals a day in the best hotels.

“Urgent international action is needed to pressure conflict parties and all people involved on the ground to let humanitarian agencies work safely. Thousands of lives depend on it”, warned the High Commissioner.

But what does it matter. They are black and, therefore, the international community (USA, Europe, UN) can sleep well. Sleep and have at least three meals a day in the best hotels…

In general, Africans have always been (in some cases continue to be) disposable instruments in the hands of the colonizers. Yesterday some, today others. Between slaves, cannon fodder and properly bound volunteers, there was a bit of everything. Often they were all at the same time. In World War I, they gave (they might!) their bodies to bullets, their souls to the Devil and dignity to mass graves.

In this alien conflict, more than a million were on the front lines, more than 100,000 died. Does anyone remember them today, or remember them, with the historical dignity they deserve? If being an unknown soldier is a drama in itself, being an unknown soldier… African (black) is a hopeless work. Unfortunately.

In a general way, Africans are a (lato sensu) naive people who, even following having decision-making power, believe in miracles, especially when these are not performed by local saints. No wonder, therefore, that many of its leaders at the time (as well as those of today) “expected that their participation, on an equal footing with their European and American comrades in arms, in a war that did not concern them, but that was imposed on them”, would bring them “constitutional, economic and social improvements in their territories of origin”, wrote Eugénio Costa Almeida in his book “Africa in the Centenary of the War of 1914-1918”.

They were wrong. The most that they achieved as recognition of their effort and dedication was to change owners. There remained, however, the seed of rebellion that would germinate in the desert of injustices that the Europeans were, from the height of their supposed superiority, watering.

Supposed superiority that led the Europeans to think that, by watering that seed, they would end up drowning it. Of course, even on the African continent itself, much of this watering was done with blood rather than water. Common denominator in all wars in Africa between Africans: the Western ambition to dominate indigenous riches.

In Angola (as in other colonies) the consequences, the reckoning, came half a century later, once morest the colonial powers. Although banished by the use of reason and force, they managed to keep the force of reason alive and, with the help of African Europeans, generate an unstoppable nationalism.

Added to all this is the megalomaniacal European thesis that history is only valid when Europeans tell it. Hence the tendency, as a rule, to forget the contribution of African participation. Even in academic circles, supposedly more equidistant from racial interests, Africans were seen as minor, auxiliary beings, without the right to appear as combatants on an equal footing with the Europeans together with whom they killed and die for, it is confirmed, a cause that wasn’t yours.

“Recent documents, however, made available, show that the presence of Africans was much greater than seemed to be expected”, points out Eugénio Costa Almeida, adding that (…) “the participation of African expeditionaries (soldiers and porters) with the Anglo-French forces amounted to more than 500,000 individuals; (…) among the more than 1,186,000 French-speaking troops killed in combat, around 71,100 came from the French colonies of Algeria, Madagascar, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia”.

Over time, thousands of Africans have died to help Europeans. How many Europeans died to help Africans? Then. This is another story from our common history…




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