Successful test flight of Chinese space shuttle

Successful test flight of Chinese space shuttle

After the United States and Russia, China has also built its own space shuttle, which has successfully returned to Earth after spending two days in space last week.

It was launched into space on September 4 by the Chinese SLV “Long March 2F”, from the Juicuan Satellite Launch Center where it remained for two days and successfully landed back on September 6.

How big and heavy is the space shuttle, what does it look like, were there astronauts on board or did it fly autonomously, in what orbit was it going around the earth and how much did it cost to fly, In response to all these questions, the Chinese media are completely silent, while no photo or video footage of this space shuttle has been released so far.

Currently, there is only one fictional image of it that has an equal chance of being true or false because of its uncanny resemblance to America’s new proposed space shuttle.

However, it is known that this Chinese space shuttle is named “Chongfu Xiong Xian Heng Tian Chi” (CSSHQ) which means “Reusable Experimental Space Vehicle”. The work was going on for the last ten years.

According to Chinese media, the CSSHQ during its experimental flight tested “reusable technologies” developed in China.

Based on the Chinese-made space launch vehicle Long March 2F, the CSSHQ would probably weigh around 2,000 kg (2 tons) while it would be placed in “Low Earth Orbit.” ‘ (Low Earth Orbit) ie ‘Leo’ would have been delivered.

It should be noted that after the end of the Cold War in the 20th century, the space race in Russia and America also ended. After a long period of silence, the space race has started again for the last few years, but this time it is China who is competing with the United States, which is advancing very fast in this field.

#Successful #test #flight #Chinese #space #shuttle
2024-07-31 08:38:06



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